Saturday, June 21, 2014

Quiet Night and Restful Sleep

Yesterday I had a large share of chaos.
When I finally laid down that evening I unwound.
I would sleep deeply then suddenly wake up.
My mind was going over many matters.
I got up and made some notes.
I took a hot bath and put on soothing Christian music.
Finally I fell into a deep sleep.

God had provided a ride and funds from a dear friend.
There were many hundreds of options in the Dallas area.
Where God decided to put me last night was an extra blessing.
The place my friend knew about is where missionaries stay.
There are some rooms with kitchens they can stay on furlough.
This is part of an international ministry that was called CAM.
Now it is named Camino Global
The grounds were surrounded by a fence and gate.
It is near Eastfield College.
They have gatherings for missionaries at the conference room on the grounds.
When they have vacancies then they rent to the public.
I was able to stay last night but they are booked for the next few nights.
They have openings on Wednesday to the following Tuesday.
Maybe I will return and maybe not.
I am looking to my Good Shepherd to lead me.

As I settled into my room I felt that God was recognizing I am a missionary.
I have felt called to pioneer an innovative educational nonprofit online.
This felt like God saw my heart and was signaling to me.
He was saying to me I see your heart and I know where you are going.

For the same money my friend spent I could have stayed at any motel.
But God picked that place to lift my spirits.

I am reminded of Abraham that followed God and was not sure where.
The children of Israel followed God and needed to look to His guidance.
The disciples of Jesus were sent out to take the Good News all over.
During this season of uncertainty I see God moving His people in the Bible.

Over and over again I have been letting go of what has happened.
I seek to be free from mental and emotional attachments to my past.
When memoires of the old job come up I pray and release it to God.
I choose to forgive from my heart each person that sinned against me.
I take care not to dwell on the hurts and possible bitterness.
This has been difficult and I have been journaling on it.

Sometimes silence can seem loud in a way.
For many weeks the newest resident had played the TV loudly until 1 or 2 AM.
He enjoys show with lots of gunfire and car crashes.
I like to go to bed well before that.
So I trained myself to screen out the background noise.
But when I go here there was only some soft traffic sounds.
That was unusual for me but I was glad for the lack of distractions.
Also another resident would come into my room to get his medicines early.
That could range from 600 to 730 AM.
But he will not be doing that again.
I like to naturally wake at about 800 AM.
And l like to go to sleep about midnight or maybe later.

There were times I could feel God answering your prayers.
It was a lovely experience.

At noon today I will check out of this place for missionaries.
The next leg of my adventure will unfold as the day progresses.
I will walk across the street to Eastfield College and go to their library.
I hope I find a strong WIFI connection there.

Again I will be homeless.
I do not know where I will sleep tonight.
Thankfully God made a way for 2 more donations.
They were for 100 dollars and 20 dollars.
These will go a long ways to finding shelter, food and transportation.
Hopefully there will be more donations today.
Soon I will buy a decent phone and that will be a big step forward.

There is a friend that has offered to work with me to get the money from Pay Pal.
Pray for that to go smoothly.

I sent out many emails yesterday.
They were long and God used them to meet my immediate needs.
I will need to send out more emails in the coming days.
I am at a familiar situation.
Most people just want the shortest possible summary.
A few people want all the details.
Pray for me to work out how to do both well.
I could have separate email lists.
I could set up separate blogs and they can come to those.
Maybe there is a third option God can reveal to me soon.

Obviously I cannot afford to live in motel rooms indefinitely.
It will take a while to find the next residence.
This is a time that I could move to another city.
A friend reminded me of my previous plans to relocate to College Station.
I could locate a roommate there.
I could get donations to cover my costs.
Is this the right time for that change?
I ask you to pray for God to grant me His wisdom about these matters.

I have begun a list of what is most important for me in a residence.
Those qualities include peace and quiet so I can read and write.
I highly value going for a walk in nature daily.
I must have a very good Internet connection.
I want to be able to walk to the grocery store.
Access to a bus line is useful.

I requested prayers for a fund raising goal.
The number that came into my head is large.
It frightens me some.
I will pray on it.
I want to know it was from God.
I seek to have faith that He will provide that much.
Then I will share that number.

There is a saying that has helped me before.
One day at a time.
These days I can only live one day at a time.
This season of transition will change into the next season.
Meanwhile pray for me to learn how to best follow Jesus one day at a time.

Please pray for God to guide my thoughts, words and deeds.
May I abide in the True Vine Jesus Christ and bear good fruit for His glory.
May there be more than enough money provided right on time.


(sent out June 20, 2014)

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