Thursday, January 31, 2019

Processing My Feelings about War

Processing My Feelings about War 

Part 1

Context of future videos
Will share later for feedback
Part of KLT Know Like Trust series

Part 2
The Spark that Started the Fire in Me

The day before January 28 Monday

Head cold
Day quill generic
Aleve generic

Began January 29 Tuesday
Head cold
Day quill generic
Aleve generic

Widows and orphans of all wars
Saving Private Ryan


All wars of history

Tears in eyes as walked
Wrung hands

Later in evening hurt in the middle of the body

Disturbed sleep


January 30 Wednesday
Head cold
Day quill generic
Aleve generic
Just war theory
Bombed cities so civilians

Just War Theory

Clearly, the Christian ideal is the total elimination of war and brotherly love among all people. However, in this imperfect world, war may be forced on those who do not desire it. Christian theologians St. Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430) and St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) are primarily responsible for formulating the theory of the Just War which has remained the majority Christian approach to war to this day. There are many variations on the just war theory, but these are the basics:
  • There must be a just cause for the war.
    • War must be waged only in response to certain, grave and lasting damage inflicted by an aggressor.
    • The motive for war must be the advancement of good or avoidance of evil.
    • The ultimate objective of war must be to bring peace.
    • Revenge, revolt, a desire to harm, dominate, or exploit and similar things are not justification for war.
  • Every possible means of peacefully settling the conflict must be exhausted first.
  • There must be serious prospects of success; bloodshed without hope of victory cannot be justified.
  • The war must be declared by a legitimate authority. Private individuals or groups should seek redress of their rights through their governments, not by acts of war.
  • The war must not cause greater evil than the evil to be eliminated.
  • Non-combatants (civilians) must not be intentionally harmed.
  • Prisoners and conquered peoples must be treated justly.

Agent Orange

Just processing my feelings

Not advocating or becoming a pacifist

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Processing My Feelings about War, Miliraty, and Congress

The day before January 28 Monday

Head cold
Day quill generic
Aleve generic

Began January 29 Tuesday
Head cold
Day quill generic
Aleve generic

Widows and orphans of all wars
Saving Private Ryan


All wars of history

Tears in eyes as walked
Wrung hands

Later in evening hurt in the middle of the body

Disturbed sleep


January 30 Wednesday
Head cold
Day quill generic
Aleve generic
Just war theory
Bombed cities so civilians

Just War Theory

Clearly, the Christian ideal is total elimination of war and brotherly love among all people. However, in this imperfect world, war may be forced on those who do not desire it. Christian theologians St. Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430) and St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) are primarily responsible for formulating the theory of the Just War which has remained the majority Christian approach to war to this day. There are many variations on the just war theory, but these are the basics:
  • There must be a just cause for the war.
    • War must be waged only in response to certain, grave and lasting damage inflicted by an aggressor.
    • The motive for war must be advancement of good or avoidance of evil.
    • The ultimate objective of war must be to bring peace.
    • Revenge, revolt, a desire to harm, dominate, or exploit and similar things are not justification for war.
  • Every possible means of peacefully settling the conflict must be exhausted first.
  • There must be serious prospects of success; bloodshed without hope of victory cannot be justified.
  • The war must be declared by a legitimate authority. Private individuals or groups should seek redress of their rights through their governments, not by acts of war.
  • The war must not cause greater evil than the evil to be eliminated.
  • Non-combatants (civilians) must not be intentionally harmed.
  • Prisoners and conquered peoples must be treated justly.

Agent Orange

Part 3 My Consciousness Objector Experiences

Just processing my feelings
Not advocating or becoming a pacifist

Next my experiences with fling as Consciousness Objector as a teen during Viet Nam war
I was born in 1953
The Viet Nam war was very hot when I was a teen.
There were anti-war protests on colelge campuses
We sang anti-war songs at my high school before school started

Congress was gridlocked with half hawks and doves.
The hawks that wanted to go in strong and win big
The doves wanted to pull out

There were fears that if the USA pulled out then all the other coutries would become communist

At the same time the civl rights movment was strong and the feminist movement was starting.

When men reached 18 years old they could be drafted into the miliatry. It was possible to join the ROTC at college and then go into service after college as an officer.

The other alternatives were to flee to Canada or risk going to prison, or be granted Consciousness Objector status.

And Consciousness Objector had 2 divisions.

Just War Theory

Clearly, the Christian ideal is total elimination of war and brotherly love among all people. However, in this imperfect world, war may be forced on those who do not desire it. Christian theologians St. Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430) and St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) are primarily responsible for formulating the theory of the Just War which has remained the majority Christian approach to war to this day. There are many variations on the just war theory, but these are the basics:
  • There must be a just cause for the war.
    • War must be waged only in response to certain, grave and lasting damage inflicted by an aggressor.
    • The motive for war must be advancement of good or avoidance of evil.
    • The ultimate objective of war must be to bring peace.
    • Revenge, revolt, a desire to harm, dominate, or exploit and similar things are not justification for war.
  • Every possible means of peacefully settling the conflict must be exhausted first.
  • There must be serious prospects of success; bloodshed without hope of victory cannot be justified.
  • The war must be declared by a legitimate authority. Private individuals or groups should seek redress of their rights through their governments, not by acts of war.
  • The war must not cause greater evil than the evil to be eliminated.
  • Non-combatants (civilians) must not be intentionally harmed.
  • Prisoners and conquered peoples must be treated justly.

My agony

Just that war

Frat brother

That fateful day

Type 1

Next toxic masculinity

Military industrial complex and Congress

New Kinds of War

Next Generations

Submit Yourselves to God
1What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. 3When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
4You adulterous people, a don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. 5Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us b ? 6But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:
“God opposes the proud
but shows favor to the humble.” c
7Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
11Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister d or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?

My conclusions real practical ideal

what is worth dying for

of the people by the peopel and for the people

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Picture of my home workstation and my plans for the near future

Most of my waking hours are spent here at this workstation
The amazing desk was a gift from a neighbor that was moving to a place where it would not fit.

The AA slogans on the wall are my useful reminders.
First Things First
Easy Does It
Think Think Think

The sign by my laptop says:
You are enough.

I have recently begun to stand at my desk and put the laptop on the top shelf.

My challenge in the short term is to prioritize my more than 30 appealing major educational projects and select just 3 for focus during February.

I must gradually design and build systems to balance the pursuit of my short term and long term goals.

After wrestling with God for months last year, He won. I will start with teaching about prayer. I wanted to start with the four gospels.

I am far from an expert in payer but I genuinely desire to pray better. So the name in my files is Let's Pray Better.

I will teach what I have learned and experienced in the last 40 years. Then as others pray for me and we interact online much more will be revealed.

I did not want to start with prayer because it is such a fuzzy and complicated subject. Thankfully God has inspired some simple graphics to help me teach what the Bible says.

I did not want to start with prayer because it will make the devil mad. I am not one to pick a fight. I would rather avoid conflicts. But spiritual warfare is in the Bible as well as in the lives of those who pioneer missional works.

I understand and accept that starting with prayer is wise. Inspiring, equipping, and encouraging others to pray better will lead to faith building testimonies. As I learn to pray better and others pray better that will have all kinds of ripples. Plus I will gain the support base of prayer warriors for other plans in my files. 

I request your best prayers now and later as the Holy Spirit prompts you.

My 3 ongoing prayer requests are to
think clearly
choose wisely
be grateful.

THANKS again for all your prayers.


Right Foot Better

THANKFULLY my right foot is feeling much better.

There is less than half as much pain as a few days ago.

I was very motivated to be able to walk well again because I LOVE to walk!

My guess is that improvement is due to a combination of factors like the following:
many answered prayers
massaging of my foot, ankle, as well as my lower and upper leg
taking more turmeric like my doctor recommended
using Tiger Balm
waiting patiently

I go for a walk in the mornings and evenings around the apartments for about 20 minutes. That helps to get the blood flowing and clears my mind. recently I had begun to also use the elliptical machine in the apartment clubhouse. I have been not taking my walks to give my foot a rest. I have been on the elliptical for 5 minutes instead of much longer. I look forward to getting back to my previous routines.

I want to gradually add other kinds of fitness habits each week. But over the decades I have started such practices that never lasted more than a month.

This healing journey has been an adventure.

Normally I do not think much about my body.

I did online research on this just like I had on hundreds of topics over the years.

I found that the trigger point to relieve foot pain is in the upper calf behind the knee  There I used my thumbs. Also, I used my massage tools that include my Renpho rechargeable hand held massager from Amazon. I keep it by my reading chair and use it a few times a month

When in bed I lay on my left side and ran my hand up and down my right leg from the hip to the foot. If the trigger point was that far from the experience of pain then I wanted to also communicate to my body that I want the energy to flow all along my leg.

Most of the time nearly all my attention is in my head and focused on planning for the future. Yet upon reflection, I recognized that shortly before this foot pain, I kept seeing Youtube videos promoting the importance of being present in my body while centered and grounded in the present moment. There were exercises and visualizations to feel more rooted in the earth. So is difficulty with my right foot a wake-up call from God to gain better balance in life?

I have become very aware of the sensation of the soles of my feet while I stand and the pressure of gravity.

I had been meaning to also stand at my desk. Then for the last 2 days, I felt uncomfortable just sitting. So I have begun to stand as I type like I am right now. I favor my left leg.

My online research led me to this webpage  It says that Foot Problems: Fear of the future and of not stepping forward in life. That resonated with me. At some deep level, I was super busy planning but not taking the next steps that God put before me. So I had begun to knock off the tiny tasks I had been procrastination about for far too long. I felt better inside.

It would be easy to say that I have overly spiritualized this incident. But I just came off of months of griefwork in Griefshare . I saw hours of video clips of hundreds of people that had all kinds of physical and emotional issues. The proven solution had been to pay close attention to the causes and address them from various angles. What had not worked was lots of pain pills, denial, and other avoidance methods.

Rick Warren said God often communicates with us using our circumstances because that is what is sometimes needed to get our attention.

Henry Blackaby said in Experiencing God that God communicates with us using the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church.

I do my best to hear from God in prayer and the Bible.

So again I THANK you for your prayers. And I request your best prayers.

I fully expect that God will completely heal me.

I look to Jesus Christ to work in my body as well as my mind to lead me to the lessons and conclusion of this matter.
