Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Please Pray for My Eyes

There have been pains in my right eye that have come and gone.

At this point, I feel that it is nothing to be alarmed about. But I can use your best prayers.

There is a context for this. 

Many months ago I began to have deposits on my eyelashes day and night. 

I have been using medicated eye drops that I bought over the counter named Zaditor.

An eye doctor friend advised me to put warm compresses on my eyes and then wash them with baby shampoo. I use an eye mask with silicon balls that I heat in the microwave oven before putting it on my eyes. That has helped greatly. 

Then this new pain comes and goes.

It has been on my right eye near the inside. It was red and puffy. Thankfully it has gotten better.

I do not know if it would be best to just wait and let my body heal naturally. Or if I need to go see an eye doctor. Thankfully I have health insurance. But I do not have a car so I would need to get a ride from a neighbor. 

I seek God for wisdom and guidance. 

I will contact my eye doctor friend again.

I have paused to review my priorities.

First I pray privately and wait for my body to heal.

If pains continue then I request prayers.

I want home remedies and/or nutritional supplements next.

Then if necessary I am willing to take prescription drugs.

The final option for me is surgery. 

This is a wake-up call for me to be grateful for the eyesight that I had taken for granted.

Thankfully prayers about my abdomen led to a simple home remedy that worked well.

I believe that Jesus Christ can heal me just by answering prayers. That has happened many times in my past. 

Also, the Lord can lead me in what to do or who to consult.

I trust that God cares about me and will guide me to the best solution to this problem.

Besides relief for this short term pain by my right eye, I believe God can guide me to addressing the cause of the other eye issue. 



Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Abdominal Pains Leading to My Gallbladder Flush

Abdominal Pains Leading to My Gallbladder Flush

On Thursday, July 9 I experienced major abdominal pains that were so bad that I was considering going to the Emergency Room.  

But first I asked my neighbors to pray for me. I especially requested wisdom from God about what to do or not do. 

Soon afterward I vomited several times. That brought a huge relief. But I was weak to the point of feeling frail.

The day before I had sent out a prayer request about all kinds of strange symptoms.

The day after that the abdominal pain continued but much less than before. I was still weak.

Until recently I was so weak that after a few hours of activity I needed to take a nap to recharge. And I did that several times a day. 

The best relief came from putting a heating pad on my tummy.

I have had nearly zero interest in eating. For several days all I wanted to eat was yogurt, jello, and bone broth. Everything else in my refrigerator and pantry was as appealing as rocks.  

I searched the Internet to compare my symptoms to those listed.

I do not believe I have covid-19. I do not have a cough, fever, or shortness of breath.

I do not believe I have appendix troubles. 

The pains have been in the middle of my abdomen between my navel and sternum. 

My symptoms best match those for gallbladder stones. 

For weeks before these pains suddenly happened I had been eating far more ice cream than usual. 

Last year I had gone on the keto diet strictly for 90 days. Then I made a few minor modifications like I would eat one container of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream each month. I just liked to have a small taste every few days. 

But along came the riots and the crazy reactions to that by all kinds of people. I did my best to not get disturbed. I was aware that it was the intake of the news that was bothering me so I tried to decrease that. 

Yet what happened is that I went to Blue Bell Natural Vanilla Bean ice cream with premium chocolate sauce as my comfort food. I was aware I was escaping but I did not care. Soon I was eating an entire half-gallon of ice cream every 4 days. I did that for about 2 weeks before the strange symptoms happened followed my the abdominal pains. 

Online some websites say just have the gallbladder removed. But I do not want to rush to surgery. 

I believe that God did not give me an extra organ to easily dispose of when there is some pain. 

I am not against all surgeries. I just view that as a last resort and not a first resort.

There are various articles and videos online about doing a gallbladder flush. Some details vary but this is what most have in common. And it is what I am doing.

Drink apple juice with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice for 6 days. Then on the evening of the sixth day drink a half cup of olive oil plus a glass of water with Epsom salts. Later drink more water with Epsom salts. I started on Sunday so this will be Friday night for me to drink olive oil. 

Then the gallbladder stones will pass into the toilet the next day. 

Gradually return to normal eating. 

These sites recommend nutritional supplements that will help to break down the gallbladder stones and prevent them from forming. Those nutritional supplements include milk thistle, turmeric, choline, and purified bile salts. 

I have made an Amazon Wish List with those nutritional supplements. 

I request your best prayers.

Please pray for a successful gallbladder flush on Saturday. May most of the gall stones be removed from my body on that day. If there are more gall stones then may God make a way for them to be dissolved and be removed.

May God make a way for me to receive the nutritional supplements on the Amazon Wish List by raising up those who will buy them from the website or give me the money for them.

May the Lord Jesus Christ guide me in how to be moderate in my intake of the news as well as commentaries. May I have an accurate understanding of what is really happening without spending too much time or energy to keep up with current events. 

May God work deeply in me to best understand and interpret what is really happening nationally and internationally.

May the Lord lead my prayers and intercessions in the light of the major changes all around us.

May God help me to stay focused on the creative projects that will be in service to others. May God continue to bring together my previous research and lessons with new understandings on mind maps. These will become educational modules with the cooperation of others. 

I always pray for wisdom and request intercessions for wisdom. The book of Proverbs in chapters 3 and 4 teaches that wisdom is the most valuable thing to desire. When a person has wisdom then all kinds of great things follow. Then in James 1:2-8 in the context of great difficulty God will give His wisdom when we just ask in faith. That is yet another demonstration of the amazing grace of God.

THANKS again for ALL your prayers.

