Sunday, May 31, 2020

Pray for my senior citizen neighbors

I live in an apartment complex with 64 units. Some have 2 bedrooms. So the total number of neighbors here is about 72,

Before the shutdown, we enjoyed gatherings in the clubhouse. This included each month 2 Bible studies, a pot luck lunch, and weekly BINGO games.

Those were suspended for 2 months and will restart in June.

At 67 years old I am one of the youngest persons here. Most are in their 70s, and 80s, with a few in their 90s. Most take medicine daily for their blood pressure, heart, kidneys, feet, etc.

Due to their age and medical conditions, they are vulnerable to covid-19. They know this because nearly all of them watch TV all day and all night. 

At the beginning of the shutdown, many neighbors wore facemasks. Then that decreased in recent weeks. We kept the social distance and there was no gathering in the clubhouse. 

What prompted me to write this is that a few days ago we had a pot luck lunch in the clubhouse. All neighbors were invited and 16 attended. t\These were the same ones that normally attended potluck lunches. There ware 3 men and 13 women. 

One person wore a facemask when she arrived and then took it off when noticing that no one else had one on.

Some but not all the seats were 6 feet apart.

All during the shutdown the family and friends of my neighbors have come to visit. Many of my neighbors have cars and have gone shopping. 

By contrast, my stepmother is in her late 80s. At the senior center where she lives, none of her neighbors were allowed to leave the property nor allowed to have any visitors. 

On the one hand, I am glad that millions of people are emerging from quarantine. This is needed for our shared economy. There are social and emotional benefits. 

On the other hand, while there has been controversy about the virus it is generally understood that senior citizens in general and especially those with medical challenges are the most vulnerable. 

Personally I am careful to wear a facemask when I go shopping. Each day I take the nutritional supplements that have been widely recommended to boost my immune system. That includes Zinc, vitamin D3, and vitamin C, 

I am not aware of any of my neighbors having had covid-19. Yet the indirect exposures increases as things open up more, people move around more, and people get laxer about preventative measures. 

I request your very best prayers for senior citizens in general and especially for my neighbors here in Ennis Texas at Oak Timbers apartments.

Only God can keep us safe from such an invisible threat.



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