Sunday, May 31, 2020

MARKER - My Current Conditions June 1 2020


The weather is mild considering the calendar. It has been 86 to 68.

I use this weather app to notice weather predictions for the next 10 days.

Here is the link for Ennis Texas. 

Here is the link for Plamer Alaska

You can use this site for up to the minute reports with details of weather from amateur stations. 

I met the man that started and maintains that site. He lives near here.

When there is a major weather activity in the area I go to the National Weather Service site for DFW and then put it on composite loop

I think this is the link for your area. 

Before the Internet, I spent as many waking hours in public or collegiate libraries as my small cash flow could afford. 

I moved near DTS because that was my favorite place to go to study. The atmosphere was the best. Then I wandered down to the Media Center where I met you. That stairwell by the magazines was not labeled and it held a mystery. 

My curiosity paid off. Working for you and Michelle was the best job of my life.

Have you heard from Michelle?

I always wanted to work the late shift. Before working there I was often one of the last people out of a library. 

Before working at DTS I worked at a Chevron gas station third shift from 10 PM to 630 AM for 5 years.

Currently, I go to bed between 3 to 7 AM depending on when I feel sleepy. Then I sleep until I want to wake up. Plus I take a nap each day.

Also, I eat as much as I want when I want. It is healthy food. I do not eat much.

Before the shutdown when I went out to eat I almost always brought home half the food that had been served to me. 

I easily keep to intermittent fasting by doing almost all my eating between 1 and 9 PM.

Here is a great video on intermittent fasting.

Intermittent Fasting Basics for Beginners  

 I walk around the property twice a day in the early and late afternoons for 20 to 40 minutes. I stop when I feel tired each time. 

Even when I went to the libraries from 1980 to 2000 often I would check out MANY books. And NONE of those were fiction. I rarely read the whole book. I read the key parts that interested me.

I was given a glider, that is like a rocking chair, when I first noted here. It has been my reading chair. It faces the courtyard with 2 bird feeders. I keep my blank journals there and a notebook to write my prayers. Also, there are 7 books there to be read SOMEDAY. Mostly they collect dust. 

It takes an effort for me to read these days.

I am on a Zoom meeting with a few men from our church weekly. Every other week we discuss a chapter from The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard. We have only done chapter 1. I found that to be a very difficult reading. It was tough to keep up with his train of thought. I marked up this book like I do all books I own. Going forward I will get the audio version so that I can read along as the audio version speaks. 

These days when I get to a long PDF or online article I use the Natural Reader app in Chrome to read it to me.

I also use this app to proofread my articles and long emails like this one. I catch and correct tiny errors. 

Twice a week I join a Zoom call of church members at noon for lunch and talk for an hour. I mentioned that I like the Harry Potter movies and asked how they were different from the books. I got my answer. And shortly after that, a person gave me the first book. I have difficulty reading one chapter per week. The last fiction book I read was decades ago. And there were few in my whole life. The ones I recall fondly are Hinds Feet on High Places and Pilgrims Progress. 

Mostly what fills my hours are educational videos on Youtube and videos on Netflix, Prime and Equus Film Channel

Lately, I have gotten sick and tired of excessive violence in movies. I am OK with a little violence that is needed for the plot or characters. But often the fight scenes are excessive. 

The appealing alternatives for me include Nature, Biography, and Documentary, 

Lately, I have taken a deep fascination for Equine Therapy. Horses are used in the recovery of veterans with PTSD, at-risk teens, and children with special needs. 

I will write more about that soon.

To round out my week I am on a Zoom call most weekday evenings that is part of 12 step recovery for Workaholics Anonymous 

I Chair the group on Thursdays and Fridays. 

The Thursday call revolves around the application of the Serenity Prayer and the classic slogans. Those have helped me for 30 years. 

The Friday call revolves around the application of the Tools and Principles of Workaholics Anonymous 

The Serenity Prayer has been used by God thousands of times to keep me from being anxious about things I cannot change and focus on what I can change. 

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference.

These are the classic slogans in my opinion

Keep It Simple

First Things First

Live and Let Live

Let Go and Let God

Easy Does It

One Day At a Time

Progress, not perfection

HALT = don't get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired 

(monitor and address to prevent acting out)

Principles before personalities

This too will pass

We are only as sick as our secrets

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude 

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired

G.O.D. = Good Orderly Direction

These are the Tools and Principles

Tools - 

Listening, Prioritizing, Substituting, Underscheduling, Playing, Concentrating, Pacing, Relaxing, Accepting, Asking, Meetings. Telephoning, Balancing, Serving, and Living in the Now.

Principles - 

Abstinence, Sponsorship, Writing, Action Plan, Humor, Time Out, Nurturing, Literature, Anonymity, the Twelve Steps, and Meditation.

Abstinence in Workaholics Anonymous is done using bottom lines and top lines that I am just starting to apply.

It seems to me that almost all Americans have a measure of workaholism due to the shared culture. This gets magnified during college and seminary. 

Lastly, as a stretch goal, I am going from 1 to 3 times a week at my art table. I need to get away from the computer. I need to use my hands to create for fun. I need to find play in my life. 



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