Friday, January 31, 2020

PLEASE comment about these videos - I want to know your perceptions

Like most people, I live in a very insulating and isolating set of habits.

The same sorts of stimuli bring the same sorts of responses.

This has been called living in an echo chamber.

My thoughts and feelings get reflected and reinforced endlessly. 

Frankly, I get tired of being exposed to the same kinds of messages constantly.

I want to be inspired, challenged, and stretched mentally.

The following 3 messages got me thinking in new and different ways.

I offer these to you to stimulate your thinking and perceiving.

I invite your comments.

Your comments will broaden my horizons. 

If you have encountered similar videos or podcasts that shook your world, then please share them. 

If you like this like of free form and provocative communications then maybe we can meet online.

Do you have experience leading a Facebook group or online forum?

How could you join me and others to engage meaningfully? 

There really is life beyond family, career, church, politics, sports, entertainment, etc.

I have zero ideas where this might go or if it will go nowhere. 

I let go of the results and just request your best responses to these videos. 

This is a fresh perspective on a common facet of life, work.
This poem brings nobility and light to the mundane subject of work. 

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran - Work

This strips away so much to get to the guts of reality.
I had suspected bits of this before.
But he wove together insights in a reasonable way.

Simple 30 Minute Guided Meditation

Amazing insights into the mind of one of the founders of Apple. 
This is a peek into how the computer revolution began.
The ripples of Steve Job's choices are impacting economies and societies worldwide. 
I am staggered at his insights into business operations at such an early stage.

Steve Jobs rare footage conducting a presentation on 1980 (Insanely Great)

Before I moved to Ennis I lived in East Dallas and there were homes built more than 100 years ago.

Many of the homes have front porches where family members and neighbors chatted.  

This was before air conditioning, radio, or TV so people had lots of time to converse.

Note that biographies inform us that writers and artists met at coffee houses and pubs.

Thousands of years ago we humans gathered around campfires like the nomadic tribes do today.

I submit to you that some of the deep needs of humans are to be seen, heard, and respected.

Yet where, when, and how does the ordinary person have an opportunity to share?

We have the communication tools to form virtual gathering places online.

The financial price is zero but it would take a measure of courage and humility to gather.  

The big cost would be to insert such interactions into a life that seems crowded.

If that was to happen then what might be the benefits individually and collectively?

I request your best prayers.

John S. Oliver

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