Thursday, May 23, 2019

Rent, Garden, and Calling

THANKS again for all your prayers.

I know that God is answering prayers every day.

My spiritual walk with Jesus Christ has been complicated and stressful.

I learned that it was always best to request prayers along the way. When I others have prayed then things unfolded much more gracefully.

Last night I had troubles falling asleep. I was feeling anxious about the meeting this morning at the housing authority. 

They sent me a packet with 25 pages of detailed forms and instructions. Part of that called for documenting the parts that qualify me for subsidized housing. Some of those requests were not clear. I took along 33 pages that I felt sure they would want and 27 pages that I thought they might want. That took me more than 5 hours to find online and print out. 

Thankfully a kind neighbor picked me up early and I arrived there 40 minutes early. I went into the classroom with about 15 others like me and 3 caseworkers. I was the 3rd person to be called and the process happened very quickly. It turns out I was over prepared. Only about 12 pages of documentation were needed. 

When riding back home I felt a huge relief mentally and emotionally. 

I thank God for answering prayers. There were many times that I got very frustrated in seeking all those documents. I had to quit and pray to regain peace of mind before I could return to the search. 

The caseworker said that that renewal will be done online next year. 

Now that the housing challenge is behind me I turn my attention to helping with the community garden here at the apartments for senior citizens. 

This community garden began last year. We raised various vegetables and some watermelons. 

This year we want to about double the space of the beds. 

Recently we went to visit the horticulture teacher at the local high school that is across the street. He had some good advice. And we saw that he was using a kind of durable felt for his raised beds for years. He has been getting great yields in those beds.

Those are called Smart Pots. I am just the helper on this project. The leader named Beth wants two of the 8 foot Smart Pots that is 158 dollars with shipping. 

I just talked with the manager of the local nursery. He can deliver two square yards of sandy loam for 181 dollars.

The total is 158 plus 181 equals 339 dollars. 

The residents here are senior citizens that are living on a small income. So I am looking to God to bless us financially. This will be so valuable to have reasons to get outside. There are sharing and learning that happens as well as delicious food. 

So today I am requesting your best prayers for God to guide and provide these items. 

Maybe God will prompt a sponsor to just buy and have one or more units shipped here to me at 1600 W Lake Bardwell DR unit 137 Ennis TX 75119. Or maybe several sponsors will use my Paypal link and I will email each such supporter a copy of the receipt. And I am available to answer questions at 972-948-4014.

During the coming weeks, the plan is to make and share pictures as well as short videos on Facebook. Please pray for that part of the adventure to unfold gracefully.

Recently I took a free online course from Calling Lab and completed a workbook that went with the course. 

This was useful to review the various ways to understand the guidance from God. 

It was timely for me to prayerfully consider these matters as I am creating an online business that is also like a ministry.

I would highly recommend it for you and others.

The course is free and the book costs. The book uses the same lessons but has more instructions and more questions. It can be used alone or in a small group setting. 



My next step with the course is to write a simple summary of what I learned from it and share that with others for their feedback. I have begun that summary. I hope to send that out soon. 

Then with that core guidance, I will add key parts from my files that go back 20 years of how God has been guiding me. That will be the fuel for a business plan to guide my actions for the coming months. 

While I did turn in the paperwork the caseworker still needs to review it and officially approve my rent subsidy for next year. Please pray for that approval.

Gardening is new to me. I enjoyed it last year and I am learning much this year. 

Pray for the core volunteers to work together effectively as a team. 

May we raise all those funds.

May we have some large harvests. 

I pray often to know and do the will of God. May God use this Call Lab tool and others in the coming months to direct my path.

The apartment manager Cheryl asked that I request prayers for her. She goes in for day surgery on May 10. May God grant the surgeon guidance and wisdom.


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