Saturday, January 26, 2019

Right Foot Better

THANKFULLY my right foot is feeling much better.

There is less than half as much pain as a few days ago.

I was very motivated to be able to walk well again because I LOVE to walk!

My guess is that improvement is due to a combination of factors like the following:
many answered prayers
massaging of my foot, ankle, as well as my lower and upper leg
taking more turmeric like my doctor recommended
using Tiger Balm
waiting patiently

I go for a walk in the mornings and evenings around the apartments for about 20 minutes. That helps to get the blood flowing and clears my mind. recently I had begun to also use the elliptical machine in the apartment clubhouse. I have been not taking my walks to give my foot a rest. I have been on the elliptical for 5 minutes instead of much longer. I look forward to getting back to my previous routines.

I want to gradually add other kinds of fitness habits each week. But over the decades I have started such practices that never lasted more than a month.

This healing journey has been an adventure.

Normally I do not think much about my body.

I did online research on this just like I had on hundreds of topics over the years.

I found that the trigger point to relieve foot pain is in the upper calf behind the knee  There I used my thumbs. Also, I used my massage tools that include my Renpho rechargeable hand held massager from Amazon. I keep it by my reading chair and use it a few times a month

When in bed I lay on my left side and ran my hand up and down my right leg from the hip to the foot. If the trigger point was that far from the experience of pain then I wanted to also communicate to my body that I want the energy to flow all along my leg.

Most of the time nearly all my attention is in my head and focused on planning for the future. Yet upon reflection, I recognized that shortly before this foot pain, I kept seeing Youtube videos promoting the importance of being present in my body while centered and grounded in the present moment. There were exercises and visualizations to feel more rooted in the earth. So is difficulty with my right foot a wake-up call from God to gain better balance in life?

I have become very aware of the sensation of the soles of my feet while I stand and the pressure of gravity.

I had been meaning to also stand at my desk. Then for the last 2 days, I felt uncomfortable just sitting. So I have begun to stand as I type like I am right now. I favor my left leg.

My online research led me to this webpage  It says that Foot Problems: Fear of the future and of not stepping forward in life. That resonated with me. At some deep level, I was super busy planning but not taking the next steps that God put before me. So I had begun to knock off the tiny tasks I had been procrastination about for far too long. I felt better inside.

It would be easy to say that I have overly spiritualized this incident. But I just came off of months of griefwork in Griefshare . I saw hours of video clips of hundreds of people that had all kinds of physical and emotional issues. The proven solution had been to pay close attention to the causes and address them from various angles. What had not worked was lots of pain pills, denial, and other avoidance methods.

Rick Warren said God often communicates with us using our circumstances because that is what is sometimes needed to get our attention.

Henry Blackaby said in Experiencing God that God communicates with us using the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church.

I do my best to hear from God in prayer and the Bible.

So again I THANK you for your prayers. And I request your best prayers.

I fully expect that God will completely heal me.

I look to Jesus Christ to work in my body as well as my mind to lead me to the lessons and conclusion of this matter.


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