Thursday, January 18, 2018

My Healthcare Priorities

My Healthcare Priorities

The following list of my healthcare priorities that came together and was written in December 2017. Then I was experiencing mild chest pains as well as various odd symptoms in my gut. I did not have health insurance or savings. I was retired living on my social security retirement income. So I needed to think very carefully how to move forward to optimize my health and minimize the risk of damaging my body or dying of a heart attack. I needed to not rack up big debts for tests and medicines that did not heal me.

After weeks of prayer and requesting prayers I did go to a sliding scale clinic. The doctor said that there was a 99% chance it was not related to my heart. Yet the symptoms continued. So I sought help from an excellent holistic healthcare provider.  

Here are my priorities for my healthcare:
  1. Eat the most healthy foods that I can afford.
  2. Take nutritional supplements as needed.
  3. Engage in moderate exercise regularly.
  4. Request prayers and expect healing or guidance to next steps.
    (Note I have been healed in my body due to prayers dozens of times.)
  5. Consider alternative approaches like: chiropractic adjustments, detox, acupressure, therapeutic massage, etc.
  6. Take prescription medicine as directed.
  7. Reserve surgery as a last alternative.

Here is the blog post for your comments and questions.

Also to put my healthcare priorities into a larger context what follows are My Personal Priorities. Notice that my number one priority is to take excellent care of my health. So My Healthcare Priorities listed here are useful guidelines so that I might achieve my top priority.

#1 Take excellent care of my health.
#2 Take appropriate care of my safety.
#3 Pay all of my bills in full and on time.
#4 Make my home office and future offices into effective
productivity centers.
#5 Stay on a personal and professional budget.
#6 Make consistent progress toward fulfilling my vision
of developing and enjoying a well-balanced life.
#7 Gain the skills, resources, knowledge, assistance,
support, advice, connections, etc. that can help me
in achieving all these priorities.
#8 Work on projects that I enjoy.
#9 Work with people that I enjoy.
#10 Nurture a few close friendships.
#11 Save an appropriate amount of money.
#12 Acquire a balanced and growing investment portfolio.

The following priorities were not mentioned previously.
They are already a major and balanced part of my life.

#A Develop and enjoy my personal relationship with God.
#B Practice charity in thoughtful and gracious ways.
#C Continue my lifelong learning.

Here is the blog post where I invite your comments and questions.

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