Friday, December 29, 2017

God is Answering Prayers about My Health

I have not been suddenly healed, yet.

Instead, God has sent me information and education through various people.

I still deal with the uncertainty about the cause of my chest pains. I do not yet know how serious it might be. I need to keep requesting prayers and take action steps one day at a time.

I have learned that there are Christian health share plans. But the cheapest health share plans are about 160 a month. Yet I can afford about 30 a month these days.

I talked with an independent insurance agent that comes by monthly to help people like me in this apartment complex. He said that I am eligible for Medicare the month I turn 65. So that will be April 1, 2018. He will then guide me through the many options. The federal government will pick up most of the cost. My premiums could from 109 to 138.

So I need to stay alive and reasonably well until then. Plus I need to make progress in making and marketing online ecourses and online communities so that I can increase my income streams to afford those premiums through Christian health share plans or the Medicare subsidized one.

Meanwhile, I set an appointment at Hope Clinic for Wednesday, January 3 at 130.

They will give me an indication as to the cause of the minor pains in my upper right chest that have recently included the lower right shoulder.

They will have lists of referrals to experts in nearby and in Dallas. The insurance agent said that there is a Baylor facility that is a 10-minute drive from here in Waxahachie. He has a client that goes there for heart treatments.

So I back to that four letter Bible word W-A-I-T.

Waiting is not pleasant but God uses it to develop my faith.

There are several lanes of waiting for me including the following.

I wait until the appointment in a few days. Then they will say what they guess are the issues.

They will likely want to take a sample of my blood and test it. So I will need to wait for those results.

I wait until April first to qualify to get subsidized insurance through Medicare.

I wait until I have the income to afford those premiums.

I wait until I go to a cardio appointment and get those results.

Note that my father had major heart bypass surgery many years ago.

A friend gave me some Turmeric today. I had not heard of it before. But many on the internet say that it is very helpful. I have already put in on some steamed mixed vegetables. I will add it to my morning smoothie.  And I will continue to use it long after the symptoms have passed because evidently, those in India have been using it medicinally for centuries. That is the kind of direction I choose to follow.

God created the human body with an amazing immune system to fight off all kinds of troubles. Then our modern society brings air pollution, lots of stress, and processed foods that are not the best for us. The Bible says that God gave us herbs for healing.

I would far rather intake natural substances to gradually achieve complete healing than to take some pharmaceuticals that will quickly relieve the symptoms yet impact other systems in my body that I could not measure.

Note that I am unwilling to take prescription drugs as needed. But those artificial chemicals will impact organs in ways the experts do not fully understand. And there may be traces that remain until my last day that could disturb the natural balances of the interactive systems for wellness.

I live in the constant awareness that God knows every choice I make and the most intimate intentions of my heart. I seek to live out my faith in Jesus Christ by first turning to Him in prayer and prayer requests. Then to turn to natural things I can change like my diet and exercise. Then to herbs that He provided. And finally to man-made drugs and surgery.

Jesus is my Lord. I am not my own. I was bought at the price of His precious blood. I have the stewardship of this physical body that the Bible says is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

So my theology informs my priorities and my prayer requests.

I believe that God is all knowing and all powerful. I want to be seen by Him at primarily leaning on Jesus to guide, provide and heal. I want God to know that deep in my heart I fully trust Him to take care of me at every level.

Jesus is my Healer. If God wants me healed then that will happen in His time.

My ongoing assignment is to trust and obey the guidance of my Good Shepherd daily. Amen?

Please pray for God to use this season of waiting to improve my faith in Him.

Pray for God to raise up and inspire more than enough intercessors for this season.

Pray for me to know the truth about what is happening in my body.

Pray for me to be given wise and clear guidance about actions to take that might include alerting my diet, improving my exercise, taking targeted nutritional supplements, taking the right prescriptions, and finally undergoing suitable surgery if needed.

THANKS again for your prayers.



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