Saturday, July 19, 2014

Where Do I Sleep Tonight Jesus?

For years I have told others that I have been following Jesus by faith daily.
That was my reality and has become more dramatic during recent weeks.

By the grace of God I have had a place to sleep each night for the last month.
Where I stayed was revealed as my life unfolded.
I have stayed for as long as 10 nights at missionary housing.

At this minute, as I write this, I do not have the funds for housing tonight.
I hope that by enrolling prayers God will guide me in right actions today.
I want to stay at the homeless shelter for a few more nights.
I need to check in a pay 10 dollars per night by 800 PM tonight.
Hopefully I will arrive and pay before that deadline.

Last night three short videos were finally published online.
I had expected to have those and others online 3 weeks ago.
There had been logistical, technical and emotional obstacles.
I call that playlist of 3 videos Broke the Ice with These.

On my mind maps I have prioritized lists of a few dozen more videos I plan to publish online.
It will take hours to tell the whole story effectively.
That put me back to one of my ongoing challenges.
How can I keep it simple?
What needs to be told in the first place.

Then providentially I came on an email in my inbox this morning.
I had subscribed to their updates years ago.
I had forgotten about this organization.
The bottom line is they help people like me start businesses and nonprofits.
They have recently put online lots of short videos to give general guidance.
Those instructions are exactly what I need today.

In essence they have found what works is to lead with an expression of your passion.
Then they give guidelines for how to enroll support based on that.
So that is my homework for today.
That is what will be used on the crowd funding platform.
They even teach how to leverage that funding option.

Meanwhile I ask for your prayers.
May God guide my thoughts, words and deeds.
I need to both raise money for tonight and to

Based on the fund raising goal of 173 dollars I set before 83 dollars remain.
That would pay for 3 more nights at the shelter.
I can pay for the storage of my things and have a little margin.

May the Lord connect me with generous donors and give me favor with them.


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