Wednesday, July 9, 2014

So this is My Rock Bottom

I have learned many lessons the hard way over the decades.
I attempted to ignore some lessons only to be returned to the same truth.

When I have gotten stuck with fund raising then I needed to shift gears.
Typically that meant getting more honest, open, humble and vulnerable.
It meant asking for money from more people than before.
That included those I had been avoiding.
So here I am again in that condition.

Right now it is just past 10 AM on July 9, 2014.
I have less than 10 dollars to my name.
I have a bill coming due in about 48 hours for 140 dollars.
Also a top priority is to get a basic cell phone for 70 dollars.
That kind has a simple camera.
By posting photos of my adventures I will increase the engagement with followers.
Also a phone will help greatly with fund raising.

I have a 5 dollar bill tucked in the back of my wallet.
That will buy a one day bus pass.
Maybe the Marriot connection will happen today.
But this morning there was a strong hint that will be Monday.
Or it could be at the latest the next Monday, July 21.
When that happens then my housing and immediate living costs are met.
I admit that I am powerless over controlling those timing factors.

Yesterday when I woke up, my gut hurt.
All I could do was stare at the ceiling and doze off for hours.
My guess is that it was constipation.
By early afternoon I got up enough strength to get a laxative.
By early evening most but not all the pain was gone.
The pains continued during the night.
Mostly it has been a dull ache in the middle of my trunk under my breastbone.
It was less this morning but still present.

I looked up many website about the signs for appendicitis.
The lists of symptoms varied from site to site.
I had a few of them but not most of them.
I wondered and worried if I was flirting with death.
Some sites said that appendicitis is one of the most over diagnosed ailments.

When I slept at the homeless shelter for 4 nights I had heavy mucus.
It started 2 hours after I entered the building and ended 2 hours after I got outside.
My guess is that it was from mold or mildew in the AC system.
Maybe what I felt yesterday was that junk passing through my body.

I have visited a doctor less than a dozen times in the last 30 years.
Generally I am very healthy but I have caught the flu for a few days every few years.

I do not have a family doctor or any health insurance.
I did not get the Obama Care insurance because I had zero income.

Maybe my gut will continue to get better.
Maybe it will not.

I can go to the Emergency Room of a hospital.
They must examine me.
They will practice defensive medicine and run all kinds of tests.
They will send me a bill for the ER visit that will not be small.

They will of course write me prescriptions I cannot afford.
I dislike taking artificial chemicals into my body unless necessary.

At this moment I am not convinced drugs are necessary.

What I want is to have money to go to the health food store.
There I know the products that will naturally support the health of my gut.
What has worked in the past is Phylum Seed Husk Power as a fiber.
Also at Whole Foods they have a therapy grade yogurt to rebuild the colon balance.

Recently I have pondered my threshold for pain.
The pain today is minor but yesterday it was major.
Maybe I can just wait letting nature and prayer take its course.
I thought about athletes and military personnel that often live with pains.
I thought of women how they sometimes have cramps.
I dislike physical pain.
Maybe this is yet another way God is increasing my patience.
I do not have lots of time and money to have a doctor say it will be OK just wait a while.

Maybe I am already out of the woods and this is just left over worries.

I request your special prayers for discernment.
May God guide and provide.
May the Lord lead my thoughts, words and deeds.

I soon need to reach out and ask for more help.
That is what I dread the most.
May God grant me courage and strength.
May I have favor in the eyes of generous supporters.
May I get over my fear of rejection.

Here are my needs in the near future for your best prayers.
140 dollars by noon on Friday July 11 for staying at missionary housing
70 dollars for a basic cell phone for a month to help raise funds
150 dollars 3 nights at Motel 6 or 30 dollars 3 nights a homeless shelter
90 dollars for health foods, groceries, margin and bus fare
330 to 450 dollars

I want to stay at a Motel 6 until Monday July 14.
But I am willing to return to the homeless shelter.
Or I could go couch surfing with a friend or stranger.
Pray for God to guide in these housing options.

At this moment I do not have a cell phone.
I am not sure if the phone in the missionary housing works.
It did not work in the other room.
I do have a Skype account that I have used recently.
If you want to talk with me then let us set up a time for Skype.
Also a donor may want to use that option.
So pray for God to coordinate our schedules.


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