God woke me
up at 4 AM yesterday morning.
that is a rare event.
I went to my
Soon I was
on a site I encountered years ago.
Start with
Why www.startwithwhy.com/
That was
exactly what I needed just then.
I had been
stuck and overwhelmed.
That gave
the timely guidance.
The man that
founded the site had a profound experience.
transformed his life and business.
He has since
helped others.
It gets back
to a simple question.
“Why do I do
what I do?”
that question put a person at the core of the matters.
I had been
wrestling with the What and How of the ministry.
I knew the
Who and When matters.
There are an
abundance of ways to share those.
But what I
needed then and now is to keep the Why front and center.
He says this
has helped all kinds of people in all sorts of situations.
Pray for God
to guide and bless me to answer the Why question.
I have begun
to address this and it has brought clarity and order.
He has
helped hundreds of people get to their Why.
He has
distilled that process into an online interactive process.
It takes 7
to 10 hours and costs 129 dollars.
That online
course is now on my Wish List.
The title of
this message is Ten Months Pregnant.
I use that
title because that is how I feel.
It feels
like I am an expectant mother that is long overdue.
What is
inside of me is very large.
Getting it
outside of me in a way to share with strangers is the current challenge.
That will
lead to crowd funding that will pay the bills.
I have made
some progress in organizing and prioritizing the first videos.
But it still
seemed like it is far too much.
And it
lacked an orderly structure.
My tendency
is to ramble too much and go off on tangents.
So I began
with the Why issue mentioned before.
I have used
the proven tool of journalists as an outline format.
It has
helped before to use this so I am applying it at this time.
I refer to
the good old questions Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.
Pray for me
to continue to set up and use that structure.
It has
already given me much needed insight as to how to best present.
It is a
simple way to bring order out of chaos.
Let me give
you a hint of what I have been dealing with so far.
educational nonprofit is the spiritual fruit of decades of seeking the will of
It is
obviously intimately connected with my personal life journey.
My personal stories
need to be mentioned in ways that is suitable.
I do not
need to go into every single detail.
Pray for me
to notice the parts most useful for these initial videos.
Then in the
coming weeks I will include more as needed.
This is an
innovative application of digital communication technologies.
But it is
not just online because those in severe poverty are offline.
So there are
ways that online and offline interact.
I need to
give a brief sketch of my vision for how that can happen.
I do not
need to tell of all the technical aspects nor skip that part.
This is a
Christian ministry that is biblically based and Christ centered.
There are
lots of Bible verses, biblical doctrines and biblical theology under it.
I need to
briefly sketch this and then like the other parts add details later.
This is a
new mission’s agency that blends care for body, mind and spirit.
Those in
severe poverty will learn how to better raise crops and livestock.
That will
feed them and provide income to transform their lives.
There will
be literacy materials to teach the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.
children use these then that will cause lifelong learning.
That will
break the generational cycles of poverty.
innovative distribution places will be small community centered libraries.
These will
have collections of resources as well as places to study and meeting rooms.
The costs of
those facilities are tiny contrasted to the long term impacts.
I have heard
that there are 1 million pastors and 5 million elders in developing countries.
leaders have very little Christian education or access to Christian resources.
We can equip
them using the community centered libraries.
That will
transform individuals, marriages, families, communities and regions.
That process
will take years and even decades but as we sow then so shall we reap.
These lofty
concepts have lots of practical ways to become a reality.
There are
five services as follows:
Hub will be a grand collection of links to those who are in alignment with our
Lots of
organizations are doing similar works and I glad to send them more traffic.
Wiki Plus is
an online encyclopedia that is collaboratively created to share knowledge.
There will
be a wide range of inputs from various sources all around the globe.
practical solutions to problems will be shared.
problems include water, sanitation, food, income, literacy and more.
The wiki
will be made so that it can be saved to a storage device.
It could be
put on a USB flash drive or SD card.
Then that
can be taken offline to a computer that has solar power in remote locations.
I call this
Wiki Plus because the purpose goes beyond just the organized knowledge.
This becomes
part of a system that leads to us publishing educational modules.
The wiki
articles are the raw materials that become separate units for learning.
The early
versions will be booklets that are made from printing out letter size paper.
Then fold
those pages in half and staple the spine to create a simple booklet.
Those can
range from 8 to 48 pages.
Each booklet
can be read offline using the sunlight.
They can
become units that are parts of the library collections.
They can be
sold as a way to fund the overhead costs for the libraries.
So this is
like that story about the blind men describing the elephant.
There are
several valid ways to describe this and together they present the whole.
Today my
guess is that I could write all of this overview in more than 200 pages.
I could make
12 to 20 hours of video to tell all the details.
I have spent
hundreds of hours over the years on parts of the business plan.
This is like
a dissertation of the last 10 years of research and planning.
So getting
all this online to share with strangers briefly is a challenge.
The crowd
funding platform will be like a sales and marketing interface.
The aim will
be to cast the vision and request funds.
Enrolling new
donors is an ongoing project for any nonprofit.
Then the
fund raising seminars I have attended teach to continue to engage with them.
Offer them a
few ways to get updates and share their comments.
I have been
pondering making short videos for weeks.
I have been
requesting prayers for that to happen.
Today there
was an unexpected development.
I recalled a
fund raising training I took many years ago.
There is one
lesson that stuck with me.
Supporters view
those they support through 4 different lenses.
Each one is important
and they are not necessarily related.
The lesson
was to present yourself and needs in ways to appeal to each kind of supporter.
Those 4 ways
supporters see you are as family, friend, minister and investment.
As family
they want to know about the personal and external news.
As friend
they want to know about the internal struggles and victories.
As minister
they want you to give samples of ministry while serving others over there.
As investment
they want to have faith that long term the vision will manifest.
Each of
those has a different audience and kind of content.
There is
some overlap but not much.
Online it is
easy to offer all 4 with links to invite supporters to go to other ones.
The art and
science of building email lists involves offering something new often.
So I began
today to create initial Power Point slide shows for each kind.
I will begin
to roll these out soon.
It will give
me practice in making and publishing online.
I will get a
wide range of feedback that I will use to make improvements.
The bottom
line is that I have strengths and weaknesses like every human.
I like to
use my strengths and I tend to avoid my weaknesses.
What make me
different is that I do this in front of others because I need prayers.
I like to
pray, seek, research, plan, organize, prepare and learn.
I dislike
sales, fund raising, budgeting and going outside my comfort zones.
I will get
through the current difficulties by the grace of God.
I must do my
part and that includes taking action steps based on my faith.
Only God can
and will cause the needed breakthroughs in my life.
There are
moments like this I wish I was a robot.
I wish I could
program myself to do the difficult things quickly.
I wish I did
not have fears, anxieties, resistances, selfishness and pride.
One of my
strength is to be open and honest.
That leads
others to know me and to pray better for me.
But at the
end of the day I am totally dependent on the mercies and grace of God.
Part of me
wishes that I did not write these long messages.
I wish I would
just create compelling fund raising materials.
But for whatever
reason this is how I process the junk passing through me.
It does
gradually get me closer to execution by degrees.
This creates
a community of supporters in the short term.
The archive
creates a chronicle of how God moved in my life.
I enjoyed a
peaceful and productive day at Motel 6.
God answered
prayers by granting me some of His wisdom.
There is
more order and less chaos in my thinking and planning.
I hope to
soon be making and publishing short online videos.
Pray for yet
more wisdom.
May I soon
break the ice and start publishing short videos.
I honestly
and earnestly mean the following.
I know that
God can and will answer this for me.
I invite you
to adapt it for yourself.
Jesus Christ, How Will I Best Ask, Seek and Knock?
Lord Jesus during Your brief visit to earth You made many
profound statements. Some of those have stuck with me for many years. You told
Your followers to ask, seek and knock. You said when they asked they would
receive, when they sought they found and when they knocked it would be opened.
I bear witness that what You said has happened to me. I have asked and
received. I have sought and found. I have knocked and it has been opened to me.
But Lord I admit I have not been asking, seeking and
knocking consistently nor persistently. I have been sometimes lazy in my
spiritual life. I have been motivated by discomfort, pain, compassion, concern
and other factors. I notice that my unwillingness to aim for higher goals is
partly due to how much more my mind needs to be renewed by Your Word. I have
not been motivated by the kinds of matters that motivated You during Your time
with us on this planet. I have attended meetings of missionaries over the years
and I have been reminded of the eternal importance of taking the gospel to the
ends of the earth. I have been blessed to see video biographies of those You
used for decades to extend Your kingdom.
Lord Jesus Christ, I admit that I am weak in my faith. I
have been short sighted in how my life might best serve the body of Christ. I
have been held captive by my comfort zones. I have let my fears keep me short
It is my greatest desire to glorify You with my thoughts,
words and deeds. It is my intention to live a life that pleases You. I want to
keep Your commandments as revealed in the New Testament.
I choose to surrender my will to You. I submit my ambitions,
intentions, priorities, values and passions to You now and for the rest of my
life. I desire to become a faithful steward of my time, talents and treasure. Guide
me in how to best use my money.
I invite You Lord Jesus Christ to enter my heart of hearts.
I submit to Your lordship in all areas. I look unto You to interact intimately
with me in the navigation of my life through this temporal life.
I admit I have fallen short of Your high calling on my life.
I have neglected consistently inputting Your Word and failed to apply it to my
You often offer super simple solutions to my overly complex
problems in Your Word. Starting now and for the rest of my days Lord Jesus
Christ guide me in what to ask for, seek for and knock about. Get into my head
and heart in that kind of close way. Show me what You would have me ask in my
prayers. Reveal to me the prayers You want me to pray so You can answer them
for Your glory. Point me in the directions to seek what is best for me and Your
kingdom. May I earnestly seek that with the strength You provide. When I come
on closed doors then may You guide me as to which ones You would have me knock
on because You know what is best.
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