Last night
was better in the homeless shelter.
I wore my
stocking cap.
I pulled it
over my eyes and nose.
I did not
need to scratch my nose during the night.
I did need
to use my nasal spray often from the second hour there.
I guess I am
allergic to the mold that is in their AC system.
The place
looks clean but my sinuses react to something in the air.
I have been leaving
there early in the morning to go to the park.
And today I went
to the library where it was much cooler.
That is when
I got my business done.
I return
late in the afternoon.
Pray for my
immune and respiratory system to deal with this challenge.
I will be
sleeping there the next 2 nights.
That is fine
with me.
I see it as
part of the price I must pay to launch the ministry.
I have
gotten sunburn on my neck and arms.
It was very
tender and drained my strength.
I have put
some Vaseline on it.
That has
eased the discomfort and decreased the energy loss.
Does anyone
have other suggestions to deal with sunburn?
I have
requested prayers for wisdom and guidance for the presentations.
I am
starting to recognize the major points to be made.
I have
started Power Point Slide shows for each major point.
When I get
to missionary housing I will do screen cast videos.
That means
that the viewer will see the slide shows as I do a voice over.
Please pray
for this to unfold gracefully.
• Today
I received 100 dollars from a wonderful supporter.
• That
makes the total 655 dollars since the goal of 1000.
• Please
pray for 345 dollars or more to reach that goal.
• I
have begun to create the Power Point slides.
• They
are core to the crowd funding platform.
• Pray
God to bless and guide me in completing them.
• I
will be in the homeless shelter the next 2 nights. Please pray for my health
and the security of the laptop
May I often
humble myself so that You may grant me more of Your grace.
May I plan
the best I can and then be flexible to make changes when things do not happen
as I had planned.
May I have
faith in my heart that Your Word is reliable even when it may not look that
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