Thursday, February 27, 2020

Introducing Myself

There was a book that had a major impact on me.
Know Me, Like Me Follow Me by Penny Power.
She teaches that in order to be successful online you need to reveal your true self.
Then people get to know the person behind the product or service.
They have a chance to like or dislike you.
When they like you then they are more likely to follow you.
The following leads to sales, repeat sales, word of mouth promotions, and buzz.

So here I will provide just a snapshot of myself.
Then you can know me better. 

This is a rather long post.
When I encounter a wordy webpage or PDF I use this text to speech app.
You might like to have your computer read this and other documents to you. 

These are some simple sound bites I use to describe myself: 

66 years old (in February of 2020)
Baby Boomer generation 

6 foot tall
165 pounds (slim)

Anglo American
short-cropped hair and a gray beard

heterosexual male

single, celibate, and content
I was engaged 3 times but never married. 
I have zero interest in sex or romance.

retired and living alone

born in Houston, Texas
living in Ennis, Texas, that is south of Dallas 
my younger brother is living in St Louis, Missouri
dropped out of college 3 times
self-educated mostly from libraries and the Internet

several near-death experiences

seek to always be honest, responsible, and truthful 
seek to treat others with respect, empathy, and support 
seek to feel purposeful, prolific, and engaged with others. 

People have called me intelligent, articulate, and passionate.

I do not consume alcohol, tobacco, or street drugs.

On the keto diet with a few modifications 
Most of my protein is from pasture-raised eggs.
I include 3 raw eggs in my smoothie most days.
I minimize sugar and carbs, so no bread, cookies, or cake and do not miss them.
Using intermediate fasting, so I eat during an 8-hour window daily.

When dining out I enjoy eating healthy, hearty, home-cooked, and country-style meals.

I enjoy taking a walk most evenings.

I journal many times a week.

I am continually improving my prayer and meditation habits. 
I frequently pray to think clearly, choose wisely, and be grateful. 

Zealously committed Christian that has been seeking ministry for decades.
I have been a member of local churches from various denominations.
I have felt deeply frustrated with the gap between what they say and what they do.
I believe God has called me to pioneer a new kind of ministry I will describe later.

I have known many difficulties, hardships, and challenges.
During my college years, I abused alcohol and drugs.
I was in a church-based rehab for 18 months. 
I have been involved in various 12 step recovery programs that greatly helped me.
I have attended hundreds of 12 step recovery meetings.
I worked the 12 steps several times in various programs.
Those included Al-Anon, Codependents Anonymous, and Celebrate Recovery.
Currently, I attend conference calls for Workaholics Anonymous. 
I am online most of my waking hours.
I take a few online courses each year.
I enjoy writing and I write a few dozen pages each week.
Those are shared on emails, social media, and blogs.
My strengths include researching, writing, planning, and designing educational systems
My three main passions are education, missions, and media.
I am living to leave a lasting legacy of leaders, lessons, and libraries.
My long term goal is to launch and lead an innovative educational nonprofit organization.

Apolitical – I have been disappointed repeatedly by broken campaign promises. 

Fiercely independent in my thinking.
Yet I welcome various inputs and feedback to improve my thinking.

Enneagram Type 1 
INFJ on Myers Briggs 
Strengths Finder results are Futuristic, Learner, Intellection, Responsibility, Connectedness

At my core, I perceive life as an idealist with ultra-high standards for myself and society.
I aim high and plan to achieve great things.
But I have failed to persistently implement many of my grand plans.
So that has forced me to get real with myself and gradually make needed changes in me.
Those changes have various practical steps but all this serves my ideal values.  

I tend to resonate best with missionaries, international students, and church planters.

Health-conscious without being too whacked out about this.
I take several nutritional supplements daily. 

I am grateful for pharmaceutical medicines and surgery, as a last, and not first resort.
I am inclined to favor chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic massages, and detoxing.
I am currently learning about the importance of working with crystals and sounds.

I have begun to spend time before I go to bed at my art table.
There as a beginner I am learning Zengangles, sketchnotes, calligraphy, and drawing.

One of my few recreations is watching videos online at Netflix, Youtube, and Prime.

Movies I like are biography, documentary, nature, science fiction, and historical drama.

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