Coronavirus Prayer Guide
Let us pray about the short and long-term impacts of the Coronavirus. Let’s pray earnestly for family members, friends, and many others worldwide. Let us pray for others like we would want them to pray for us.
As a retired person, so I have had more time to research and ponder this matter than those who must juggle family responsibilities, careers, and other demands on their time.
The following is a simple summary of important matters related to the Coronavirus. This goes far beyond personal health concerns. There are many other considerations. Each of these considerations can serve as fuel for your faith-filled prayers.
We have been blessed as Christians to have a personal relationship with the living God. We have the Bible and the Holy Spirit to train us in how to pray. The Word of God instructs us to put on the armor of God and pray for others. So we are not powerless spectators to an unfolding worldwide pandemic. Instead, we are colaborers with God in the protection, healing, and blessings of fellow humans. Prayer is a mighty force for good. Let us come to God humbly. Let us be bold in our faith in Jesus. Let us be fervent, persistent, and consistent in our prayers.
Please let the following information serve as seeds in your mind and heart. Feel free to do your own research online or elsewhere to learn more and keep up to date.
Do not let the waves of news on this subject fuel your fears or destroy your hope. Allow this season to be one when you practiced prayer more and better than ever. Let the love of God flow through your prayers.
Thankfully the Coronavirus has not come to the USA in large numbers yet. However, employees in the USA, travel nationally and internationally. And there are those who travel for pleasure. It is possible in the coming months that some may encounter the Coronavirus and then return to infect their contacts in various locations. So we are not totally immune to the Coronavirus ever getting to our communities in the coming years. Therefore let us pray that God will guide us all in taking prudent measures to prevent the spread of this virus.
Besides the health concerns, there are also the rippling impacts in the economy. Already many large communities in China, Italy, Iran, and elsewhere have been quarantined. Therefore people cannot go to work. When they do not go to work then they do not produce products and services. That disrupts local, national, and international supply chains. When products are not made and shipped than others cannot sell and buy. This includes food. That ripples out to us in the USA and everyone else. Walmart in other stores sell products that were made in China a few months ago. So this impacts what is on the shelves and the paychecks of workers.
There have been travel restrictions that have already had impacts and will have rippling impacts.
The concern about the disruptions of the supply chains and travel restrictions has led the prices in the stock markets to fall. That has an impact on the financial well being of many millions already. It is unknown when this downward trend will turn around.
Note that the 2020 Summer Olympics is still scheduled in Tokyo from July 24 to August 9. If I was a virus that wanted to find an abundance of new hosts then I would seek such a setting. In that megacity, there will be untold thousands of athletes, spectators, and journalists coming and going from nearly every country. So what might happen a few months after the Olympics in countries that currently do not have many cases?
Note that for each person who dies of the Coronavirus (or any other cause) there are many around them that will be plunged into grief. Consider how many attend any funeral or memorial service. Each person in their own way must deal with grief sooner or later. I have never met or heard of a person that dealt with major grief easily.
There are elements of worry, uncertainty, and fear experienced by those who consume the news about the Coronavirus. Consider senior citizens that sit at home and just watch TV all day and all night. They are vulnerable to any disease. In their isolation from family and friends, their thoughts and feelings can spin around and around. May God shield their hearts and minds.
Fears related to news about Coronavirus (or any topic) can paralyze the mind and limit clear thinking about practical options. Let us monitor our thoughts and feelings. Let us help others to gain a balanced perspective on this and other matters. Let us seek, find and focus on that which is positive and hope-filled.
We are blessed to live in a developed country here in the USA. But notice that there are billions of fellow humans that are not so blessed. Millions of them have not had easy access to plenty of food, clean water, and health care services. They are vulnerable. Our love and concern for them can be expressed in earnest prayers.
Let’s pray that God will guide us on how to take suitable measures to be ready for possible future conditions. Besides getting ready, pray that we respond to situations wisely as they arise in the coming months.
Let’s pray for God to grant wisdom and guidance to all the political leaders and scientific experts. May they set aside their differences and come together for the common good.
Let’s pray that objective and truthful information be shared. May God make a way that the media decrease the sensationalism and fear-mongering. May they minimize making everything about politics and the president.
Some say to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. Such a response might be wise in this case and other kinds of potential threats like hurricanes, forest fires, and earthquakes.
May we fully trust in the Lord with all our hearts while not leaning to our understanding. May we acknowledge Him in all your ways about this and related issues. Then God will guide our paths. Proverbs 3:5,6.
(You are invited to use any and all of this in your personal prayer life and during prayer times with your families and others. You can forward this if it came to you as an email. You can print out the PDF for your personal use and share it with others. You're invited to adapt it and change it as you please.)
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