Friday, March 13, 2020

Note for Storyline Lead Team --- PLEASE Pray for Me

I just received a note taped to my front door from the apartment manager. It says that the local health department has asked us to suspend all group activities. This includes the monthly potluck, twice a month Bible study, and weekly bingo. 

Today I went to Walmart for my grocery shopping. Normally I go there and the afternoon of a weekday. The first time there were zero empty grocery carts to use. I had to go to the parking lot to find one. Inside it was the busiest I've ever seen it. Besides the toilet paper being nearly sold out also peanut butter, paper towels, eggs, canned soup, canned tuna, and many other items were nearly sold-out 

I bought more groceries today they have the two and a half years I did that in order to stock up. I did not pay close attention to my budget. I hope I have enough for things to come together at the end of this month. 

I'm out of vitamin C supplements and others. So I must look closely at my budget. 

I appreciate the measures that Charles has led the community to use on Sundays. They are prudent and appropriate. 

Part of me believes is best for me not to attend church this Sunday due to my imagined or real symptoms. I would be close to those who attend but also with a building where a hundred and fifty employees did gather. I wonder if it would be wise for me not to attend this Sunday. And for me to not attend ANY more Sundays until this coronavirus is no longer an issue. 

I'm grateful that I can meet with the men of Dallas to discuss the books. I do that because they call me on Skype, Duo, or some other video conference platform. 

Each day I learn a little bit more online about the Coronavirus. Only lately had a message come to me stating that those over 60 years old are the most at risk. I have never felt old. But this has me worried about my vulnerability more than ever. 

For the last few days, I have been paying excessive attention to every little ache and pain in my body. For a few minutes at a time, I felt that I might be sick. But then that would pass and I’ll be fine an hour later. It is like I'm making myself sick with worry. 

Realistically there are no reported cases and in this area. Realistically I have very little contact with other people. Realistically I'm inside day and night except for my daily walk around the property for 30 to 45 minutes. Even during that walk, it seems that I would need to stop offering candy to my fellow residents and the guests. 

Sadly this relates to my ongoing issue. Mostly I'm an introvert. Mostly I'm really okay with that. But since this virus has dominated the news I recognize that I need to have more social. Isolation can be harmful.

The ride to and from church on Sunday is the most social I have during the week. These are about 30 to 40 minutes each way. Enjoy talking with Darryl and Terri. 

I recalled it when I lived in the homeless shelter for 3 years I had pneumonia twice. Thank God for the medication healed me of that illness. 

I've had sinus and respiratory troubles off and on all my life. 

I greatly increased the frequency of meditation and prayer.

I've increased my journaling. 

I get plenty of sleep. 

Unlike the last two Lent seasons, I don't think it's wise for me to avoid all news during this Lent season. I'm doing my best to be prudent and wise as to what sources and how much I intake. 

I have been collecting my random thoughts and feelings about these events on an online mind map. And that helps me to process all this complicated information. 

The following three ideas have helped me recently. 

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid. John 14:27 

To ponder and apply the slogan let go and let God. A paragraph 

I remind myself of the idea that THIS TOO WILL PASS. This cannot and will not go on forever and ever. We're in the beginning of this. We are not near the middle. But there will surely be an end. 

I'm taking 2 online courses currently. Each one offers an opportunity to interact with fellow Learners online. I've been telling myself I need to participate more actively there. Pray for God to use those commute the other places online you keep me believing in healthy to keep me mentally and emotionally healthy. 

I have my art supplies out on my table ready to use. My commitment for this Lent season is to engage with those materials daily. I've only missed a few days. 

This has been been a minimum of about 5 minutes. But sometimes it's been 40 minutes to an hour. 

When I can get into that flow of creative expression that is a lovely space to be in. 

I'm not trying to become an artist. I don't want to make things that I would necessarily sell or show anyone. 

I just want to become familiar and comfortable with colored pencils, colored markers, drawing pencils, different size technical pens and different kinds of paper. 

I have some books and printed out PDF lessons to guide me. 

After I get over this beginner hump I trust that the Lord Jesus will guide me into using art for fun and play. 

I have been drawn to do art for years. That is why I have collected so many materials. But I have procrastinated repeatedly. 

This is crazy how hard it is for me to put my butt in the chair get into that flow.
I apologize for as long and rambling this messages. This is my little way to reach out and ask for help. I request your best prayers. 

Also, I'd like to find some individuals who would like to talk with me on the phone on a regular basis. God can make a way for that to happen. 


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