Saturday, March 28, 2020

How to engage with nature as an individual and a family.

How to engage with nature as an individual and a family.

During this homebound season, we are encouraged to get out in nature.

Staying inside all the time and just viewing screens is not good for mental and emotional health.

But there are birds that come and go each day.

These birds can be enjoyable to watch. There are proven ways to attract more birds by offering bird feeders, birdbaths, birdhouses, and nesting materials.

By using part of the stimulus money in April some bird watching binoculars can be purchased. And a smartphone or digital camera can take pictures to share on social media.

This can become an enjoyable activity for any person that is at home.

This could become a learning project for a learner of any age. There are many subjects to research online about birds. Those options include their feeding habits, nesting habits, migration, lifecycle, anatomy, etc.

There are bird nests and plants that attract birds that eat many mosquitoes if that is a challenge in your area.

Also, there are webcams that are positioned to show birds feeding live and bird nests all over the place. There are recorded highlights too.

Then there are ways to attract hummingbirds by just using feeders that are refilled with sugar water.

These videos began because I found a small birdnest beside the sidewalk during my daily walk. It has bits of paper and plastic woven in with the bent twigs. That reminded me of how we humans can offer the birds nesting materials. I put small strips of yard and jute into a spare suite feeder. In the video, I showed how I did it. I suggested ways that you can too.

Then I made a video showing my front porch and the birdfeeders in the courtyard. I commented about birdbaths, birdhouses, and more.

Finally, I offer you links for your learning.

How to make a device to offer nesting materials for birds.
Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software - Watch Video

My comments about birdhouses, bird feeders, birdbaths, and online bird cams.
Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software - Watch Video

Mentioned in video 
Wildbirds Unlimited

Cornell Bird Cams 

Others that are similar

Hummingbird videos follow

John S. Oliver

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Recertification Update, BREAKTHROUGHS and my Nest Steps

This is the season for me to become recertified with the housing authority and food stamps. I must get documentation in about my incomes and costs of living as well as answer their online questions into their online portal by March 25, Wednesday. Or I am at risk of losing those benefits.

I have known that and had it on the top of my ToDo list for a week. But I kept procrastinating.  

Then I talked on the phone with my pastor and accountability partner. Telling them helped to confess my weakness and need for prayer.

FINALLY, I got going. 

When I was stuck in the past what had worked was the 25 minute Pomodoro timer on the task management service named Kanbanflow that I use several times a day to juggle my tasks. 

For the last 2 days, I have made progress with the housing authority site. The marker says I am 70 percent complete. I found on this and other projects that I make my best headway in the evenings. So I will do more tonight. As of now, I had used 3 units of 25 minutes. That timer keeps me focused. There is built-in permission to take a break after 25 minutes. I do that unless I am on a roll. 

Please pray for me to complete both of these before the deadline. 

Then a representative on their side will call me. We will go over all the items. If there are no troubles then I will be approved for another year. 

For YEARS I have felt strong guidance from God to learn to draw. 

I have needed to have an activity that would bring play and fun into my life.

The activity of drawing would fit into my budget and schedule.

I have bought all kinds of art supplies and art books. 

Many times over the years I have attempted to engage with these materials. But there was no traction.

So I watched more Youtube videos and downloaded more PDF files. 

For this Lent, I committed to doing a little art each day. I have marked my calendar and I only missed a few days. Before I start I pray earnestly about this matter. My art engagement has lasted often for 5 minutes. But I counted that. Sometimes it went on for 30 to 40 minutes. 

The better times have included doodling, Zentangles, basic drawing exercises, expressing my thoughts or feelings by using prompts from at art therapist PDF.

FINALLY last night after much prayer I felt led to Pinterest and their collection of Art Worksheet as well as lessons about the foundational principles of art, and exercises for the art class of children. 

I surfed through hundreds of options to choose the ones that resonated with me the most. These are SUPER SIMPLE. I was intimidated by all the beginner lessons in books and on Youtube. 

When I found an image I liked I right-clicked it and saved it as a copy. Then I pasted that on a google doc of 44 pages with an insert page break between. 

Plus some of those Pinterest images took me to a website with others like it. From there I explored those options. I selected the ones I liked best. Some times I was pointed to save those to DropBox. There were about 12 of those and some of them were 4 to 6 pages. 

Therefore THANKS to answered prayers I have a custom-designed art workbook and my price was free if you do not count paper and ink. 

Pray for me to actively engage with these materials during Lent and after that. 

In order to help me review and revise my priorities, I put the name of each project on an index card. I make 2 copies. 

One copy goes face-up on the top of my dresser that is in my walk-in closet which I made into my prayer closet. Sometimes I will reach out and touch an index card as I say a brief prayer over it. 

The other copy goes by my computer at my workstation. They are taped up in the order of importance. Even in the last 2 weeks, I have adjusted the sequence of those cards. This helps to keep me focused and not get sucked into the blackholes of other activities as much. 

Lord willing in a few days I will have completed my part of the recertification. Then my next step is to write and share a document that I am calling Possible Practical Provisions. This will list optional ways that people can be prepared for staying home for many weeks. 

I was a Boy Scout and an Explorer Scout. The motto Be Prepared stuck with me. The activities of camping and sailing made preparations a necessity. 

In this document, I will list the kinds of items for prayerful consideration. What follows is just a sample.

Note that there is a promise of money from Uncle Sam that some call helicopter money. So here are ways put that money to good use in the context of this season of shut down.

My intention is to offer an organized collection of ideas to help them make sense of what they can do to prepare. This will spark there thinking and prompt them to do their own online research. That puts them in motion and taking action steps to cope with these uncertain times. Such action steps are an antidote for fear, depression, and overwhelm. 

I will ask them for prayers as well as comments, suggestions, and questions. 

It is my hope that this will lead to a mutually beneficial and interactive online community. 

Adults and children still have a need for exercise while homebound. So I will list options for them to consider and research. Possibilities include yoga, Taichi, Qi Gong, Nia Technique, step aerobics, rebounder, fitness ball, resistance bands, and calisthenics.

I have been researching foods and nutritional supplements that are proven to boost the immune system.

There are dozens of Youtube videos and webpages about how to make your own hand sanitizer. One of the ingredients is essential oils. And within the essential oil options, a few are proven to be best for sanitizing hands. I have begun to research those to be listed soon.

I had a mild outbreak of itchy bumps under my beard. I tried all kinds of products. But it was plain old sulfur soap that worked best. That was far cheaper than all the other products. 

It can get costly to keep cleaning the home. But these days they offer gallon jugs of vinegar for cleaning. There are lots of Youtube videos on how to use vinegar to clean.

Many nature-based products have Tea Tree oil. Note that it can be bought without additives. That has helped me with skin troubles and many other things. 

I am always seeking the most natural solution to my problems. Years ago I came on Kleen Green which is an amazing solution.

I use Lysol Hydrogen Peroxide that cleans my metal kitchen sink better than anything else and it is natural.

And there are more such items I will share on the Possible Practical Provisions document soon.

I have been putting such ideas on my Mindmup under headings like new to homeschooling, new to working from home, natural aids to sleep, dealing with fear, prayer, meditation, journaling, lifelong learning, etc. 

I could never put all the options on a document. It would be like a multivolume encyclopedia. But I know that I can oversee the collaborative creation and improvements of a wiki. 

Besides the Wikipedia, there are dozens of other such online services and each one has hundreds of clients 

The skeleton of any wiki is like the sitemap of a website. The Mindmup is helping me to begin to think through the major categories and subcategories. I will need much help to make this useful to users initially and as it grows. 

Already I have received a few google sheets where kind people have listed many useful resources in an orderly format. I will be inviting others to do the same within their area of interest. 

There is a great service called Smart Sheet that can take such google sheets and excel spreadsheets to weave them together in ways that approved members can edit.

It is possible to comment on each line item.

If you are interested you can begin to bookmark websites and books that you would recommend for others.

You could put those on a google sheet or excel spreadsheet with your comments as to why you recommend that item. 

Pray for God to connect me with the best volunteer right on time to get this project going.

I have been working on Volume 2 of Some Prayers and Psalms for many weeks. There are 7 core units that are ready. But I have been adding to the Appendix to include prayer resources related to the coronavirus. 

I set aside Sundays for this work. 

Pray for me to finish it this Sunday and get it out early next week.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Do you want less fear and more understanding of the coronavirus?

Less Fear and More Understanding

Do you want less fear and more understanding of the coronavirus?

Here is the cream of the dozens of hours of my online research into the coronavirus. As a retired person, I have had a few hours daily for more than a month to explore many facets of this event.

It has become the responsibility of each citizen do learn what they can about the coronavirus pandemic.

Many point only to the CDC Center for Disease Control or maybe to WHO World Health Organizations. However, both of these are funded governments and influenced by politics. Over the years they have been had a less than an excellent track record of accurately reporting. Their actions and inactions over the years have been criticized. In my opinion, most of what they offer is good. But is it not the whole story. Like any organization, they have a bias and an agenda. So it is wise to also consider other sources. 

Note that the news outlets have an agenda to get as much traffic as possible today and tomorrow and the next day. They must use fear and sensationalism do beat out the competition. Plus they must jam the news of any story into a tiny soundbite.  It is not their job to educate the public beyond bullet points. Plus each news outlet has owners that color any coverage with a political spin that tends to be pro or anti-Trump these days. 

Here is a great summary by a renowned virus expert of the current conditions from Dave Rubin who has been interviewing experts for all filed and all places on the political spectrum for years.    

Here is a simple science lesson related to coronavirus by Dr. Beg that has hundreds of videos about how the human body works

If you want details about the science then go to this video by MedCram  and explore that channel.

Of the many sources I have researched over the weeks, I have come to trust this Youtube channel the most, Peak Prosperity He continually monitors international news and medical announcements.  He makes many key points based on facts that he has documented. Dr. Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity has a Ph.D. In neuro-toxicology from Duke University so he does know what he is talking about when it comes to viruses

The numbers of reported cases are far lower than reality due to several factors. Those factors include that there has been a severe shortage of testing kits internationally. Where they do have kits they do not test unless the person already has severe symptoms. So those with mild cases continue to interact and infect others. The politicians and media play down the risks to keep the economy from crashing, fear of impacting tourism, and to keep people from panicking. The virus does not care about the spin doctors and will continue to spread at an increasing rate.

When you are ready to face the facts and get a sober dose of reality without hype or spin then watch his videos. It would be wise to subscribe to them and share them with those who are ready. 

Here is a Peak Prosperity's recent update with animations that show how much real risk there is. 

Here is the Peak Prosperity website.

The news out of China is heavily filtered through the political party that runs the country. Is it true that there has been an increase in reported cases in every country but China? Did the virus suddenly stop operating there? Yet the Youtube channel China Uncensored has been revealing facts about the reality in China about other issues for years. Here is their playlist about coronavirus

This pandemic has been spreading from nation to nation. The news reports in the USA rarely mentioned what happened internationally. But BBC news channel on Youtube has many brief updates about coronavirus and other matters worldwide. 

I have personally begun self-quarantine a few days ago. So I intentionally minimize my contact with my neighbors and the public. I have stopped attending church for now. 

Note that I am 66 years old, so I am in the high-risk group.

I live alone in a 1 bedroom apartment. I receive my social security income that is enough for my basic needs. 

I do my best to eat healthy foods, get plenty of sleep and daily exercise. 

I have begun to research the food and nutritional supplements to boost my immune system. 

What I will miss the most are hugs. I tell myself that THIS TOO WILL PASS. We are at the beginning of this difficult season. Much later there will be a middle. And after that, there will be an end. THEN I can safely hug again. 

Here is a Bible verse that has blessed me lately. Jesus said, Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid. John 14:27 

While I have been researching I have been also putting the many key ideas on an online mind map service. This has helped me make sense of all the complex and interrelated information. 

Sometime soon I will offer simple summaries based on that mind map. I am pondering the best ways to share this publically so that others can quickly see how this many bits of data relate. 
My next step is to craft an email newsletter with a related website. I will offer updates related to the summaries of my research. My next update will offer an orderly presentation of preparation options with suitable links for more details. Plus I will offer general and specific prayer guides. 

And I want to offer an interactive community for mutual support. 

The tentative name of this project is Coronavirus - Pray and Prepare.

I hope to share Volume 2 of Some Prayers and Psalms early next week. It has grown larger each Sunday as I have added prayer items related to the coronavirus in the Appendix. 

Before I can give this project my full attention I need to complete a few personal projects. Please pray for God to grant me guidance and focused concentration to get those done soon. 

I invite your comments, suggestions, and questions.

John S. Oliver

PS I invite you to forward this along to others. If they reply to me at  then I will put them on the distribution list for further updates. 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Note for Storyline Lead Team --- PLEASE Pray for Me

I just received a note taped to my front door from the apartment manager. It says that the local health department has asked us to suspend all group activities. This includes the monthly potluck, twice a month Bible study, and weekly bingo. 

Today I went to Walmart for my grocery shopping. Normally I go there and the afternoon of a weekday. The first time there were zero empty grocery carts to use. I had to go to the parking lot to find one. Inside it was the busiest I've ever seen it. Besides the toilet paper being nearly sold out also peanut butter, paper towels, eggs, canned soup, canned tuna, and many other items were nearly sold-out 

I bought more groceries today they have the two and a half years I did that in order to stock up. I did not pay close attention to my budget. I hope I have enough for things to come together at the end of this month. 

I'm out of vitamin C supplements and others. So I must look closely at my budget. 

I appreciate the measures that Charles has led the community to use on Sundays. They are prudent and appropriate. 

Part of me believes is best for me not to attend church this Sunday due to my imagined or real symptoms. I would be close to those who attend but also with a building where a hundred and fifty employees did gather. I wonder if it would be wise for me not to attend this Sunday. And for me to not attend ANY more Sundays until this coronavirus is no longer an issue. 

I'm grateful that I can meet with the men of Dallas to discuss the books. I do that because they call me on Skype, Duo, or some other video conference platform. 

Each day I learn a little bit more online about the Coronavirus. Only lately had a message come to me stating that those over 60 years old are the most at risk. I have never felt old. But this has me worried about my vulnerability more than ever. 

For the last few days, I have been paying excessive attention to every little ache and pain in my body. For a few minutes at a time, I felt that I might be sick. But then that would pass and I’ll be fine an hour later. It is like I'm making myself sick with worry. 

Realistically there are no reported cases and in this area. Realistically I have very little contact with other people. Realistically I'm inside day and night except for my daily walk around the property for 30 to 45 minutes. Even during that walk, it seems that I would need to stop offering candy to my fellow residents and the guests. 

Sadly this relates to my ongoing issue. Mostly I'm an introvert. Mostly I'm really okay with that. But since this virus has dominated the news I recognize that I need to have more social. Isolation can be harmful.

The ride to and from church on Sunday is the most social I have during the week. These are about 30 to 40 minutes each way. Enjoy talking with Darryl and Terri. 

I recalled it when I lived in the homeless shelter for 3 years I had pneumonia twice. Thank God for the medication healed me of that illness. 

I've had sinus and respiratory troubles off and on all my life. 

I greatly increased the frequency of meditation and prayer.

I've increased my journaling. 

I get plenty of sleep. 

Unlike the last two Lent seasons, I don't think it's wise for me to avoid all news during this Lent season. I'm doing my best to be prudent and wise as to what sources and how much I intake. 

I have been collecting my random thoughts and feelings about these events on an online mind map. And that helps me to process all this complicated information. 

The following three ideas have helped me recently. 

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid. John 14:27 

To ponder and apply the slogan let go and let God. A paragraph 

I remind myself of the idea that THIS TOO WILL PASS. This cannot and will not go on forever and ever. We're in the beginning of this. We are not near the middle. But there will surely be an end. 

I'm taking 2 online courses currently. Each one offers an opportunity to interact with fellow Learners online. I've been telling myself I need to participate more actively there. Pray for God to use those commute the other places online you keep me believing in healthy to keep me mentally and emotionally healthy. 

I have my art supplies out on my table ready to use. My commitment for this Lent season is to engage with those materials daily. I've only missed a few days. 

This has been been a minimum of about 5 minutes. But sometimes it's been 40 minutes to an hour. 

When I can get into that flow of creative expression that is a lovely space to be in. 

I'm not trying to become an artist. I don't want to make things that I would necessarily sell or show anyone. 

I just want to become familiar and comfortable with colored pencils, colored markers, drawing pencils, different size technical pens and different kinds of paper. 

I have some books and printed out PDF lessons to guide me. 

After I get over this beginner hump I trust that the Lord Jesus will guide me into using art for fun and play. 

I have been drawn to do art for years. That is why I have collected so many materials. But I have procrastinated repeatedly. 

This is crazy how hard it is for me to put my butt in the chair get into that flow.
I apologize for as long and rambling this messages. This is my little way to reach out and ask for help. I request your best prayers. 

Also, I'd like to find some individuals who would like to talk with me on the phone on a regular basis. God can make a way for that to happen. 


Thursday, March 12, 2020

Comment about Natural Reader

This is a long document.

You have the option of using a text to speech application that will read the text to you. Then you can hear was is written here.

The app that I use daily is Natural Reader

It reads emails, webpages, and PDF files.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Prayer UPDATE - My Housing, Sewer System and Jannet

THANKS again for all your prayers. God has been answering your prayers in amazing ways over the years.

Again I stand in the need of prayers.

Kindly take the time to pray now and later.

Each year I need to communicate with the Housing Authority to renew my Section 8 Housing. This is a simple procedure for documenting my low income and small expenses. I put the proof on their website at my online portal and then I have a phone interview. 

Where it gets tricky is that my utilities are paid online so I do not have a standard print copy to scan. I did this before but it was not easy. 

This must be done by March 25 or my housing assistance would be terminated. 

This has happened each year. And there have been a few bumps in the past.

I am grateful that God made a way for this provision and I thank Him in prayer a few times a week. 

Soo I will need to do the same kind of renewal for my Food Stamps.

Please pray that both of these go smoothly.

Two weeks ago the city, plumber, owner, and maintenance man worked out a plan to finally have a permeate solution to the troubles with the sewer system at this apartment complex for senior citizens. 

They will dig a ditch that is half the length of the front of the property to lay a new pipe into. I am told that it will take 1 to 2 weeks in total. 

Then did come and dig for the first day on February 25 that is more than 2 weeks ago. But then it turns out they do not have all the needed paperwork. They need to know exactly where to dig not to harm other utilities. They have colored flags all over the place. But they have not been able to locate the technical drawings to show how deep each one is. 

So the maintenance man must use the temporary pump at the ground level twice a day to drain the septic tank. When it rains he must do that more often. 

This has been very frustrating. Please pray that the suitable technical drawings and any other matters will be solved quickly. 

May this sewer system be complete soon. 

Jannet continues to behave strangely. 

Jannet asked the manager who the person is that move in next door to her. She gave a description. Yet her neighbor has not changed.

She asked the manager to come to the doorway of the office to get her rent check. She was afraid to slip on the floor inside the office. That is the same flooring in her apartment. 

Her neighbors are afraid of her. She has talked about hurting people with a knife. She has only said that and has not been seen with a knife. 

The manager will not renew here lease that expires in a few months. Her son knows this. I do not know what action steps he has taken so far to find her next residence. 

She does not think she has a problem. 

The police and Adult Protective Services are aware of the situation. But they are powerless unless there is an emergency. 

The bottom line is that she needs to visit a psych doctor for a comprehensive evaluation. Then she needs proper medications prescribed. Having the right pills handy is a start. But taking them daily is then necessary. Over the decades I have known those that forgot or refused to take their medicines. Then they were a problem for themselves and others. 

Only God can untangle this mess. 

Pray for the right actions to be taken right on time. 

Pray for the safety of all involved.

At the apartment complex where I live a woman brings a Bible study twice a month. We use a Bible study guide that is like a workbook as the format for our private studies and discussions. 

I have been attending these Bible studies since I moved here. Then we recently started a new workbook based on Psalm 23. I enjoy this much more than all the other workbooks. 

This study reminded me of articles I wrote many years ago about the Good Sheperd and God Loves You. So I pulled those from my archives and edited them a little. I will pass out print copies to those that attend the Bible study next week. Most of these old ladies do not use email. And I want to offer you a copy too. These are thoughts, feelings, and insights I gained during times of deep difficulties where my faith in God was purified. It is my hope and expectation that these will bless you.

Also, let me take this opportunity to promote some publications that I believe will benefit you. 

I have invested a short time with the Bible study based on Psalm 23 by Juanita Ryan and published by Life guide Bible Studies.

I have noticed a depth of insights and biblical perspectives that I had not experienced in all the Bible studies I have done over the decades. 

So that led me to examine her biography. Her background includes recovering from major childhood traumas. She became a psychiatric nurse in private practice. She has worked with individuals and groups for years.

She offers a  free online course on Recovery from Childhood Trauma

The other Bible study workbooks that she wrote and were published by LifeGuide Bible Studies include Busyiness: Finding God in the Whirlwind,  Waiting for God, Praying the Psalms, Distorted Images of Self: Restoring Our Vision, and Distorted Images of God: Restoring Our Vision, 

These are written to be used for group study yet can work individually.

Also, she sells many other books on Amazon including those written with her husband.

There are her books, articles and online courses listed on her website

