Saturday, June 21, 2014

Suddenly Moving Out Tonight

This afternoon I was told I need to move out tonight.
So I am seeking a motel for a week until I make my next move.

Pray for me to find the right motel and raise the needed money.

I have been the house manager at a sober house for nearly 2 years.
There are 3 men in this 2 bedroom house with me.
They are recovering from drug and alcohol abuse.
Two of them take psyche medicines daily.
Those same two have had health challenges lately.
I have been threatened by each of those men.
One time was by a former star athlete.
He said I better sleep with one eye open.
The other time was with a knife.
I had requested prayers and felt safe lately.
That could happen again any day and any time.

There have been many ups and downs.
But recently it has been the most stressful for all of us.

For the first year I worked 15 to 20 hours a week.
But lately it has been 30 to 60 hours a week.
I do not receive any money for this job.
It has been in exchange for rent and groceries.

I have had very little time or energy for my projects lately.
But I have squeezed in the time I could to write ebooks.
I am at the brink of publishing an ebook with my original psalms.
What remains is to deal with ta few technical challenges.
I want to include an easy way for my readers to offer feedback.
Their comments and questions will help me make improvements.
Lord willing that ebook will go public soon.
It will lead to sales and pave the way to donations.

Yesterday there was a lively conversation with the director and his wife.
Then I got the notice today to move out.
They want me to do much more work without pay.
I asked for money but they refused.

I have not had a full day off or vacation since I began.
I have had to deal with residents from early morning to late night.

I knew I would be leaving I just did not know it was today.

I am seeking a motel on a weekly rate.
That gives me the most flexibility and privacy.
I do my best work late at night.
I do not have any close friends in Dallas.
My father and brother live out of state.

Please pray fervently for me.
May I locate a suitable motel with strong WIFI that is on the bus line.
May God provide the money for the first week of rent and food.
May I seek the Lord and be directed by Jesus Christ as to my next residence.


(sent out June 19, 2014)

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