Saturday, September 12, 2020

How to Thank God Better Each Day

The Bible tells us to be anxious for nothing but instead pray with THANKSGIVING in Philippians 4:6-7 

We are told to give thanks in ALL things in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Then in Ephesians 5:19-20 we are told to sing to the Lord and ALWAYS give thanks to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. 

SO for me to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only according to James 1:22 THEN I MUST find ways to weave GENUINE thanks to God into my DAILY life. Thanks to God is not just for Thanksgiving Day or Sundays. 

At 67 years old I have found that there are hundreds of ordinary things to thank God for as I move around in my daily life. 

I am old enough to remember a time before laptops, smart phones, personal printers, the Internet, microwave ovens, ATM machines, online shopping, streaming movies, PDFs, email, etc. SOMETIMES when I use these modern conveniences I silently THANK GOD in my mind. I receive these as good and perfect gifts from God 

I recall that my grandparents did not have air conditioning or refrigerators when they were children. SO that reminds me to be grateful for those devices.

When I was a child we could buy fruits and vegetables when they were in season. All those items were only shipped from the region. Yet these days a person can buy watermelon, blueberries, strawberries, and more all year. I SOMETIMES thank God for the amazing international shipping that makes that possible. 

I like to eat fish yet I live far inland. I can easily buy a bag of frozen fish fillets. Then I can eat fish any day without doing the fishing or needing to clean the fish each time. That is a huge blessing. 

Recently  I have become sick and tired of the excessive violence in the movies and TV shows. So in my search for alternatives I have historic dramas and documentaries that are enjoyable and I do not need to close my eyes during the fight scenes of violent shows. 

Watching shows about history has led me to thank God for light bulbs, flush toilets, hot water heaters, and other  items that our ancestors did not have.

Today I thanked God that I can eat honey without needing to go harvest it from bee hives in the wild when I would be stung,  

I am forever grateful to God that he led others to provide us with duct tape and WD40. These have helped me in ways nothing else can. 

Finally as I watch shows about history I notice the kinds of medicines they had more than 100 years ago. That leads me to THANK GOD for each of over the counter medicines as well as prescription drugs and nutritional supplements that I take. I pray each time before I take my daily nutritional supplements. 

At the end of the day the glass is BOTH half full and half empty. My choice is to THANK GOD for the way that the glass is half full with blessing from Him. Then I have less energy to whine, complain, or be anxious about the half emptiness. 

I hope this helps you to genuinely thank God better and more.

I invite your comments about what you thank God for in your daily life. 


  1. reading glasses
    pens fountain ball point

  2. Zoom meetings
    many teachers online
    led fed and protected by the Good Shepherd
    USA Constitution and Bill of Rights
    grace and mercies of Jesus Christ

  3. acceptance and loving support of my church family
    great Bible teachers
    can afford and bought more books that I will ever read
    mild weather most of the time

  4. Recently I was getting an item out of the fridge.

    The item had slippery sides and was a little heavy.

    I was concerned that it might slip and make a big mess.

    Just then I noticed how my hand knew exactly what to do. I had taken such actions hundreds of times over the decades.

    I came away genuinely appreciating the wonderful service my hands have been providing. I have since noticed and appreciated them several times.

    It is the little things in life that make the big differences.

    For me mindfulness and gratitude are becoming part of my daily life.


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