Friday, January 3, 2020

PLEASE Record and Share Your Memories with Your Family Members

PLEASE Record and Share Your Memories with Your Family Members

Let us recognize the reality is that all humans are mortal. 

So there will come a day that is your last day. 

After your body has expired you cannot tell your stories to your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Your thoughts and feelings will leave along with your body and mind.

Surely you have experienced lessons over the decades that you could share with family members. There is valuable wisdom that you can pass along to future generations. 

In our hurry-up society, it is difficult to find plenty of quality time face-to-face with anyone. Even in those times like at the Holidays, it is not easy to be open and honest about important matters with family members. 

Yet that is where the simplicity of writing can bridge that gap. You can find time in the evenings, weekends, or during vacations to reflect and record what you want to share. 

There are things that you can write that your children and grandchildren cannot understand yet. But later they might. 

Note that my next-door neighbor is 78 years old. She had 3 daughters. She now has 8 grandchildren and 8 great-great-grandchildren.  During the Holidays about 30 family members gather that include inlaws as well as boyfriends and girlfriends that might become spouses. 

Statistically, the average life expectancy in the USA is 80 years. That is the average therefore some people will die before that age due to injuries or illness. And others will live longer. Plus advances in medicine will likely increase life expectancy. 

Statistically, most people get married at least one time. And most couples have 2 or more children. 

So do the math. There might be 2 or 3 little children in your home today. But before you die how big might the family tree become?

While many of your family members may not care to read about your memories, still some will find great value in such reading. You do not know what the future holds. But you can do the work in order to offer them the option.

You might find that the very process of reflecting and writing about these matters feels good. 

You could buy a blank journal or a box of fancy stationery to write on. 

You could just start to write what comes to mind. That may be organized or wandering.

Alternatively, you could buy this loose leaf workbook named Memories - A Priceless Heirloom It contains 64 questions presented under 15 categories. Some categories include: My Family Background, My Life Growing Up, My Dating, Wedding, Spouse, My Children and Grandchildren, My Life has Been Influenced by These People. My Career, My Successes, Milestones and Special Moments, My Regrets, My Favorites, etc.

Memories - A Priceless Heirloom  has the 64 questions with lots of blank lined pages between them. It is held together by 3 screws so that the pages in the workbook can be rearranged. The binding is sturdy and the cover is elegant. So it will be treasured long after you are gone. 

My father died about 2 years ago. He left me our family Bible that goes back to his grandfather in 1875. He had done much research into our family genealogy and left me a long report about his findings. After he passed my stepmother needed to downsize. She could not take care of the house and garden alone. She sent me some photos and other personal items of his. I wish he had put the names and dates on all the photos. I wish that he had filled out this workbook. I gave my stepmother a copy of this after his death.

This volume is for an individual to fill out. So a married couple needs to get two copies.

If there is just one child that makes matters easy. Most couples have more than one child. Maybe a volume could be bought for each child. Or the pages could be scanned, photocopied, or a picture taken. 

Another option is to buy the workbook and use the 64 pages as a guide to making audio and/or video answers. Save those to a CD or DVD and put in a safe place like a fireproof lock box or safety deposit box. 

The original price was 40 dollars. It has been marked down to just 20 dollars. When you get your copy you will appreciate what a great value this is. 

Then you might want to buy a copy for your parents and grandparents. 

In my opinion, this would make an excellent wedding present. 

There are just 3 steps. First, you need to buy your copy right away. Do not procrastinate. Then step 2 is to read the Introduction and get started. Pick the easiest questions to answer first. Then step 3 is to make it a priority to continue writing.  

If you are a leader at your local church or at your place of employment then consider the other resources on this site  Bobb Beihl was a management consultant for decades. He has proven resources for strategic planning, mentorship, and teambuilding. 

John S. Oliver

P. S. Here is the link

Memories - A Priceless Heirloom 

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