Thursday, February 28, 2019

Pray for complete healing of my toes and for me to continue walking

During my evening walk recently I noticed a new pain. It was on my left foot from the middle toe to the ball of the foot. That prompted me to make this prayer request more detailed than just asking to pray for my toes.

I LOVE to walk. That started during high school when I walked my dog. Walking was then and is now a time of renewal mentally and emotionally.

I have never been athletic. I dabbled with various sports but none kept my attention.

Yet if I do not walk twice a day for about 20 minutes then the day is not complete.

When I lived in Dallas it was the long prayer walks that cleared out the anxiety and depression.

When I lived in Pearland, that is south of Houston, it was the super long walks along the country roads that the Holy Spirit used to do a deep work in my soul as I prayed out loud to Jesus Christ.

These days I just walk until I am tired. Other walkers here count their laps around the property. When I get into a groove of prayer my walk can be much longer than most times.

There have been different pains on different toes for part of a day. This has gone on for weeks. This has never happened to me before.

Appointment with the doctor on March 13. May God give doctor wisdom and guidance.

I am 65 years old and might need to visit a specialist. May the Lord Jesus Christ guide me to the right expert.

I seek primarily natural solutions to any health challenge like nutritional supplements, self-massage, physical therapy, acupressure, etc.

And I am willing to take prescription medication as a last resort. I do not want to introduce artificial chemicals into my body. That might decrease the discomfort but I doubt it will aid the natural systems of the body that was designed wisely by God. I do not want to get into a lifelong habit of dependence on pills, creams, or other crutches.

There are holistic methods and alternative healers that have addressed this matter. It might take longer and cost more but that is acceptable. The insurance will not likely cover that.

Note that over the decades God has healed me dozens of times just by answered prayers.

Recently I had requested prayers for my right foot and that is totally healed. I requested prayers for my neck and shoulders and that is 90 percent better.

My next steps are to seek and find a foot doctor online that is holistically oriented in the area. The minibus will go into Ellis and Navarro counties. Plus that doctor needs to accept my health insurance.

I will be searching online. Please pray for God to guide me.

When I first received the large booklet about what my Medicare insurance covered I was shocked to notice that it included all the usual stuff plus 6 visits to a podiatrist with a modest co-pay. My insurance agent said that is because older people can get issues in their feet.

Note that at this apartment complex for senior citizens I am one of the youngest ones. Most are in their 70s and 80s. Plus a few are in their 90s. Of the 74 residents, I would estimate that about 20 are homebound. I see about 12 that use the walkers on wheels. And there are about 3 scooters. So unlike most people who will read this, I am surrounded by many who cannot walk like they did most of their life.

Pray for the fear of not able to walk not to hurt my soul. May God used this to motivate me to take even greater care of my ability to walk.

Most people want the simple summaries and I do my best to keep these brief. Yet the minority want the full details. So what follows is the message I sent to my doctor using the platform for her practice.

THANKFULLY I have had very few pains all my life. SO these MINOR pains are ODD for me. For the last few weeks I have felt pains on different toes for just a part of a day. Often but not always I stop to massage the area around it. I file the toenail. I apply Tiger Balm. Then the discomfort goes away. But in a day or two a different toe has minor pains.

Nothing has changed in terms of my activities or shoes.

If this was the same place over and over that would make sense to me.

Part of me wants to just treat them and move on. There is the faint macho voice inside that says to just deal with the pains. But part of me wants to not only inform you but also put this on my medical record in case it gets worse there will be a history.

Note too that my fingernails are growing at a normal rate. But my toenails are growing much slower than ever. The big toes need to be filed sometimes. Yet the middle toes have not needed to be filed for a long time. And they are not even across the top or sloped outward. They are sloped inward and that has not happened before.

I am wearing the same shoes and socks that I have had for a long time and there seems to be lots of room at the end.

Also as I go to bed my toes feel cold from the inside but not to the touch.

Maybe I need to visit a foot specialist. The minibus goes to Ellis and Navarro counties. Obviously, I want to visit a doctor that is holistic and natural remedy oriented.


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