Thursday, December 28, 2017

Possible Heart Trouble -- No Health Insurance -- Pray for My Health and Safety

I went to the Obamacare website and learned that I cannot afford health care. The monthly premium was 908 a month with 7350 deductible. I only make 683 a month from my social security retirement. Even if I could magically afford that, then I would pay 20 for my Rx that costs 25. I could save 5 a month by paying 908.

I learned that the State of Texas will not subsidize my health care. I was given a special code to put on my taxes so I do not pay the penalty. See the attachment.

Description of my possible heart troubles follows.

So I request your best prayers for my health and safety.

I do my best to eat healthy foods and I take a walk daily.

I rarely get sick. I may get the flu for a few days every few years.

I cannot control drunk drivers or others hitting cars when I am riding.

I trust the Lord Jesus Christ to keep me healthy and safe.

The medicine that I take daily is for my prostate. It is normal for men of my age to have BPH.

When I am taking the medicine I do not need to urinate frequently.

When I was at the homeless shelter I went to Parkland. My clinic visits and medicine was free to me.

That perspiration expired and those in Ennis pointed me to Hope Clinic. They use a sliding scale based on income.

All of that is simple enough. I go to the clinic and get a new prescription. BUT there is a huge compilation.

I have been having MINOR pains in my chest on the upper right side. At first, I thought I had just pulled a muscle. But this has gone on for more than 3 weeks. The MINOR pains come and go.

I have stayed in the hospital one time back in 1996. That was after a hit and run accident that nearly killed me. Thus I request prayers for me as on the road.

Also, most injuries happen in the home. So please pray for my safety at home too.

Normally I have been very healthy all my life. I went 30 years and only saw a doctor 5 times.

Here are my concerns. I need to pay for ANY doctor visits, medicine, and tests out of pocket. I do not have any savings. I get by from month to month.

There are people I can contact on to help me financially. I am willing to do that like I did to afford my dentures.

I have faith in God that there will be enough money for me right on time.

BUT the medical establishment is a complex and costly system.

I have not hurt enough to go to an Emergency Room. If I did then they would send me a bill that is not small.

Basically, I have a moderate tolerance for pain. If I learned from reputable sources that I just need to live with it, then I could.

If these are warning signs of a possible heart attack or stroke then, OK. I am willing to take any tests, anywhere and anytime. BUT where is the best place to do that? Shall I seek those tests in Dallas or here in Ennis?

If and when I go to get tests related to my heart, then what? We are in a culture where doctors order some unnecessary tests. They want to cover themselves in case there are lawsuits later.
I understand and accept that, but I do not have health insurance. So where I go to get tests is a big question.
I do not want to foolishly minimize or maximize such tests. I do not want to just go with the cheapest option. I do not want to work with a doctor I cannot stand.

Here are my priorities for my health care:
  1. Eat the most healthy foods that I can afford.
  2. Take nutritional supplements as needed.
  3. Engage in moderate exercise regularly.
  4. Request prayers and expect healing or guidance to next steps.
(Note I have been healed in my body due to prayers dozens of times.)
  1. Consider alternative medicine like therapeutic massage and acupressure.
  2. Take prescription medicine as directed.
  3. Reserve surgery as a last alternative.

I will soon call Hope Clinic for an appointment.

May God grant them wisdom and understanding about my condition.

May God guide and provide for the next step.

May I become totally healed soon.


1 comment:

  1. Paul

    I will call Hope Clinic tomorrow for an appointment.

    I wanted to get this prayer request out there first.

    As God is answering the many prayers then my steps will be better directed both at the clinic and after.

    This is a journey with hundreds of possible turns. I need guidance and grace at each step.

    If I had called today I might have been assigned to Doctor A. Yet as I call tomorrow I might be assigned to Doctor A, B, or C as the Lord intervenes.

    I was going to put out this message a week ago but most people were immersed in Christmas matters. It would have gotten little attention.

    I was going to put this out right after Christmas like Tuesday or Wednesday. But then there was the Christmas Holiday hangover and need for reset into more normal rhythms.

    Maybe that seems manipulative but that is how I believe God has been leading me as I have been praying on these matters.

    Also, I have been made again aware of my mortality. I have been praying prayers about when and how I will die.

    Literally, I could die tonight of a heart attack or stroke. Or the chest pains do not relate to that but some other matter.

    I need to live in the tension of being ready to pass away any day or live longer than my father who is 94.

    I have been reminded of Memento Mori, that is Latin for remember that you have to die. That was used for centuries to help people not deny their mortality.

    For decades I have prayed and trusted that the time, place and manner of my death is in the hands of the Trinity. I cannot die until they say and I cannot remain if they say go.

    Note that I had prayed for many years in the context of dark thoughts of suicide and death wish. Plus there was depression and despair that came and went.

    I am made aware of how much God has been preparing me over the four decades to create and lead an innovative online ministry.

    I have many mind maps that are FULL of dozens of creative ideas for innovative ministry that I believe God can use me to do in the next 20 to 30 years.

    I believe the promise in the Bible that God will complete the good work He began in me. Phil 1:6

    And as many pray for my health then God will move in mighty ways like He did to provide my dentures.

    You are welcomed to share this with Charles and Barret so they can better understand what is going on inside me as pastors. And you can share this with your wives. I honor those godly women as my pastors too. Then you can better pray for me in agreement.

    Maybe I am at high risk. Maybe there is low risk or no risk. The uncertainty is a kind of stress I need to deal with currently.

    I invite your questions and comments.

    THANKS for your many prayers.



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