Please pray for my health and strength. Especially pray that I am healthy to go apply for the apartment on Friday.
I was happy to hear about the open door in Ennis. I was excited when talking with the manager.
I sent out the announcement and prayer requests.
THEN my body started to react. I felt EXHAUSTED way down deep inside. It flet like I had completed a marathon in the rain.
This has been a difficult journey and seeing the potential end is promising BUT the FATIGUE from pushing myself repeatedly caught up with me.
My gut and middle of my chest started to hurt like they never had.
I went to the shelter to get some dinner but I did not have an appetite. All I wanted was some ice cream. That helped for a while.
It has been less than 4 hours but I feel unusually weak and frail.
If this was a normal way to rent an apartment then I would wait until Monday. But the manager said she will hold it for me only until I come on Friday. Then she needs to call others on the waiting list.
I believe God can provide the grace and strength to complete this critical next phase on Friday.
Before I got that call back my hope meter was at an all time low. It was challenging to keep calling others.
Maybe it was the sudden swing of emotions that triggered the reactions in my body.
I am not a very emotional person.
I am grateful for Pep-to Bismal and Gas X that have masked the symptoms.
Hopefully I will get restful and refreshing sleep tonight.

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