Saturday, May 20, 2017

My Rent is Past Due

I request your best prayers.

May God guide me and provide my needs.

Today I owe 72 dollars for the previous 6 days at the homeless shelter.

And I will need 72 dollars for the next 6 days until my next retirement income arrives.

The total need for rent is 144 dollars.

And I can use another 50 dollars for train fare, laundry, photocopies, snacks, and more.

So pray for 194 dollars during the next few days with at least 84 tonight.

The following tells how I got into  this mess and how I plan to not repeat this next month.

What I need mostly is MUCH prayer. When I have been jammed up before I sent out prayer requests like this. Then God connected me to people that met the financial need. When you pray believe that God will both meet the immediate need and lead me to a system so this does not happen in the future.  

Please pray and if you feel led to help me then know that any amount will help like 5, 10, 20 or 50 for it all adds us. Here is my Paypal link that will also appear at the end of this message

Today I am 6 days behind on my rent at the homeless shelter. And it is 6 days until my next income from my social security retirement. The rent is 12 dollars a day for a bed, shower and 3 meals. SO I owe 72 dollars for the previous 6 days and I will need 72 dollars for the next 6 days.

I have faith that God will provide right on time just like He has for the last 35 months that I  have been in that shelter. Every month God made a way for my financial needs to be met. Every month it was different. God used that to stretch my faith and improve my trust in Jesus as my Good Shepherd.

Previously the most I got behind was 2 days. This time God gave me much favor with the leadership to be carried this long.

There are a few reasons that I got this far behind. Unlike any previous time God has had me working closely with several other homeless men. Previously I only had brief social conversations. But for weeks God has brought men to me that are in major transition. We have had deep and intense conversations. The Lord has led me to pass to them various helpful resources and to send out prayer requests for them. Here is an archive of those prayer requests

For 3 years I helped 1 man at a time over a long period of time. And there were many months that I did not minster directly to any individual.. But recently God brought to me Frank, Ernie, James, Swannie and Chris. I was blessed to serve them in their times of crisis. But that cost me time and energy. Also I made many dozen photocopies.

I saw this financial pinch coming. God use that to motivate me to finally start to publish vlog posts. It took much pressure for me to get over my internal obstacles. Here is the Playlist for the first vlog posts

Then as I maintain the healthy habit of vloging nearly each day that will help to grow a support base that will lead to more prayers and more donations.

The vlog is just the first of 3 pillars. The next pillar is the online workshop that I give an overview of here in this vlog post This will be like a staging ground to share some of my works in progress. I will request comments and suggestions to make improvements before presenting the digital products to the public.

The workshop will have about 5 to 7 projects in various states of completion. Some of those could go online in less than a week and others will take months to reach full maturity. But the online teachers say it is always best to have beta testers.

The third pillar is the online course on prayer named Let’s Pray Better. I have already preached on prayer many times. I have lots of materials that need to be formatted as lessons instead of sermons. I recall when I preached on the armor of God my hands suddenly got bad cramps shortly before I began to preach. I had not had that before. And I did have cramps in my hands when I was just about to put the vlog posts online. Then ended as soon as it went live. SO there might be spiritual warfare that has been making it difficult to teach prayer online.

I have begun to create 3 free websites with 1 for each pillar. I will include Patreon and other ways to receive donations.

The bottom line is that NOW I need your best prayers and your generous support.

SO please pray and if you feel led to help me then know that any amount will help like 5, 10, 20 or 50 for it all adds us. Here is my Paypal link

Brother John

1 comment:

  1. This was sent the next day.

    By the grace of God, the Lord made a way for all the money needed for rent to be passed to me today.

    It came from 2 people I know and anonymous sources.

    I am grateful to God for His provision again.

    While waiting I was reminded that every time I pay rent or other bills it is also a blessing from Abba, our Heavenly Father.

    THANKS again for EACH of your prayers.

    Brother John


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