This blog is an archive of updates I sent out during Summer 2014 (and many after that). I fully expect there will be many major transitions and this is the records of those as they happened. The way these are arranged is most recent first. SO to understand the developments read from the last to the first.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
a sumary
Pray for me to help others get biblical messages and pray better about racial reconciliation
I have had trouble sleeping lately. This is rare for me. The matters in the news have disturbed me far more than ever before.
My consumption of ice cream had been a few times a week. And it is up to daily as my go-to comfort food.
I seek to find ways to be a part of the solution instead of worrying about all the complex problems.
I cannot control other people but I can use my time to serve others.
I have been doing hours of online research about racial reconciliation. I have located some books, podcasts, articles, and sermons.
Besides links to resources, I want to share simple guidelines for intercessors during this critical season. Some examples include meaningful police department policy reforms, powerful sermons on repentance, and lasting friendships between Christian leaders of all races.
I will put these into a document that I will share with some of my contacts soon.
When I am asked if I have a prayer request I instantly say that I want wisdom. The book of Proverbs says that wisdom is the best thing to want. And James 1:5 says that God will gladly give wisdom when asked. I notice that the context of that promise is during times of difficulty.
So I request prayers for wisdom from God in how I can gracefully respond to the news so that I am guided by God to be part of the solution instead of stewing on the problems.
John S. Oliver
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Some things do not change
We find ourselves in this ongoing shutdown. Much has changed in recent months and much will change in the future.
There is far more uncertainty than ever before.
But we can know that God does not change and the Word of God does not change.
Then providentially I came across a 1-page document in my files that is 26 years old.
MANY things have changed in my life and in the world around me since 1994.
BUT the simple message of this attached document has not changed.
That is a helpful reminder for me during these turbulent times.
Here is some context to appreciate why I feel that this document is so important.
Most of the people I know are married with children and some with grandchildren and a few with great-grandchildren. Therefore their time, attention, and affection have been focused on the family.
However, I am single and I was never married.
Back on January 16, 1977, I was born again. God had delivered me from alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and promiscuity.
During 1977 I felt the call of God on my life and I responded positively. I have wanted to serve the Lord with all my heart, soul, and life.
I have been earnestly seeking the Lord Jesus Christ for guidance during these decades. Is guidance for me has pointed to adult education with an emphasis on equipping and empowering leaders. I have wanted to harness the latest communication technologies using synergistic systems.
Over the years the name in my heart, mind, and files changed as indicated at the end of the attached document. The current name in my files is Our Stewardship Communities.
I believe that what is tragically missing in our consumer society is a need to look beyond our selfish needs and wants. We all need to live for a higher purpose. There is a simple universal purpose for all humans that I can advocate and educate. The core concept is stewardship. So the names of the ministry often had the term stewardship.
If we consistently improve the stewardship of our time, talents, and treasures (meaning things and money) then we will not be stuck on the treadmill of the Rat Race. That stuckness leads to boredom, laziness, depression, numbness, binge-watching, excessive entertainment, eating disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, and more.
God has graciously given each of us the gifts of several talents to be discovered and developed over the course of a lifetime. For these talents to grow and bear fruit then each person needs to find ways to benefit others. Thus we are all enriched.
Along the journey of discovering and developing talents at each season of life the individual is challenged, stretched, and grows. This leads to a more meaningful and satisfying life. Talents can be used for career, family life, and Christian service.
We live in an age where there are continual advancements of technologies that result in innovations of products and services. So in order to keep up as a parent, employee, and online participant it is essential to be continually learning.
There are various books, websites and online courses to help. But those are scattered and costly. I seek to invest the next ten years of my life to work with volunteers and paid staff to summarize, simplify, and synergize the basic practical lessons. These include Christian and secular subjects. Plus to offer mutually supportive and interactive online communities. I want the leadership to be collaborative and cooperative so that those who use the services are self-governing. Thus the name is Our Stewardship Communities.
Before today I had shared this document with only 3 of my closest friends. But I feel that this is the time to share with more and request your best prayers.