Saturday, April 4, 2020

My Minor Health Challenges

My Minor Health Challenges

As a senior citizen, I appreciate that others have been praying for me. 

God is answering those prayers.

The following is a list of MINOR health challenges. I have had these off and on for many years. But these have been more frequent. 

Here I list each CHALLENGE with the REMEDY I have been using. If you know other natural remedies then please let me know. 

CHALLENGE - cramps in my calves
REMEDY - eat 1 or 2 bananas daily, apply cordless massager and stretch as I lean against a wall, I recently ordered a TENS unit that will hopefully prevent these troubles

CHALLENGE - pains along one leg or the other at night
REMEDY - apply cordless massager and stretch as I lean against a wall, I recently ordered a TENS unit that will hopefully prevent these troubles

CHALLENGE - stiffness, and soreness at the top of my right shoulder into my neck 
REMEDY - apply cordless massager, I recently ordered a TENS unit that will hopefully prevent these troubles

CHALLENGE - odd pains in my gums like the start of fever blister
REMEDY - take amino acid supplement named L-Lysine

CHALLENGE - earache sometimes left other times right ear 
REMEDY - saline mist to help loosen mucus that might be contributing, take Vitamin C, put few drops of Colloidal Silver in the ear, massage the area around the ear and especially massage downward to help drain the lymph. This brings relief and I am not sure what part helps most. 

CHALLENGE - deposits on my eyelashes day and night
REMEDY - medicated and regular eye drops as well as wiping with a clean wet cloth

CHALLENGE - minor difficulty urinating 
REMEDY - I have been taking prescription medicine for my prostate for years. I had run out of nutritional supplements for prostate support. I recently ordered some. Hopefully, that will bring relief. 

As I finish writing all these it seems that I might be in constant pain. But just a few occur daily with peaceful hours in between. 

I am 66 years old. Most of my neighbors are in their 70s and 80s. Some of them have chronic back pains or foot pains. Many of them take 6 to 9 prescription pills a day. I take only 2 pills.

I have plenty of groceries and a good appetite.

A dear friend sent me several nutritional supplements to boost my immune system.

I get lots of restful sleep.

I take a walk twice a day as the weather permits. 

I check the news about the coronavirus much less often than before. 

As an introvert, I only need a few social contacts per week. 

I have plenty of projects to keep me busy and my mind off of worst-case possibilities. 

I have been investing a little time most days away from the screens and learning how to use my art supplies.

When I visit the doctor for a routine check-up I am asked about my risk of falling. This is a standard procedure for all senior citizens. Medicare has called me and used an automated voice survey to ask similar questions. 

Generally, I am in good health and stable on my feet. 

At these apartments for seniors, there is a red switch with a string on it in the bedrooms and bathrooms. When the switch goes from up to down then an alarm sounds outside the apartment and a red light flashes. Thankfully that has not happened lately nor for the last 2 and a half years I have lived here. But that is an indication of the vulnerabilities for seniors. 

During this shutdown, I have been extra cautious that I do not fall. 

Please pray for me and other seniors. Pray for those relatives, friends, church members, and neighbors that are over 60. May God make a way that they do not fall. 

A few years ago God made a way for me to go to the dental school where they made me a full set of dentures. Before that, I had partial dentures. 

One time when I had the partial dentures the uppers slipped out of my hand and landed on concrete. A small part broke off. I could still chew and it was not noticeable. Months later my full set of dentures was made that cost many hundreds of dollars. 

So I have always been careful when taking out and putting in my dentures. I must remove them when I sleep or I was told my gums may get infected.

I have been extra super careful since the shutdown. I want to be able to continue to chew. Replacements would not be possible for me or anyone at any price during this shutdown. So pray for everyone that wears dentures or other dental devices. May God keep them all intact. 

Most people use their computer for a few hours a day. I use my computer constantly for nearly all my waking hours. 

I am continually researching, writing, learning, and sharing. Plus I watch lots of videos. 

Recently my laptop has been acting sluggishly and stalling. The spell checker is not working as well as it was last month.  I have needed to restart it much more often. 

I have taken all the measures I know to fix this.

I am concern that it might crash. 

Today I do not have the money to buy a replacement. But there is a rumor that the stimulus money might arrive on Monday, April 6. Uncle Sam has been direct depositing my retirement money into my bank. So I am expecting a direct deposit instead of a check.

My concern is that laptops and desktop computers might sell out due to the increased demands due to more people working from home and school closures. 

If my stimulus funds do not arrive soon then I will seek to borrow the money to get such an essential tool.

Pray for God to guide and provide.


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Freezers Sold Out SO Now Seeking Computer

All the online stores show that the compact freezers are sold out. I have little hope that I will find one before July. But God can provide before then.

I am still convinced that having a freezer will decrease my exposure and as a bonus save me money in the long term. Wisely using a freezer could save money for any family.

Hopefully, 3 to 5 cubic foot chest freezers will be restocked soon.

Meanwhile, I consider that my other major vulnerability is that most of my waking hours are invested on my laptop computer. A few years ago I bought it used and I am not sure how old it was then. Lately, it has been acting sluggish and strangely. I need to restart more often than ever. This is what happened before my previous computers died. I use this tool for researching online, writing, publishing my materials, taking online courses, and watching videos. 

Like the freezers, laptops and desktop computers are selling out fast.

Please pray for God to guide and provide.


YES to walks and YES to a freezer

YES to walks and YES to a freezer

I talked with the apartment manager and got the OK to continue my twice-daily walks. 

I felt that this was legal but I wanted her verbal approval. That is because when I walk I pass in front of the windows of dozens of neighbors. I few just might complain in the light of how the recent message on our doors was strongly worded.

I immediately took a walk. It felt wonderful to move around again. My body and mind felt refreshed. 

She gave her approval for me to buy a compact freezer. 

She said that is against the terms of the lease. But some neighbors that already have a personal freezer. So it would be unfair to block me and in these difficult times, it would be acceptable. 

By freezing meats and vegetables that means I will go to the grocery store less often. So then I will have less exposure as a senior to people and the things they had touched. 

All my life I have rented an apartment. I have never purchased such an appliance. 

Please pray for God to guide me. 

I do not have a vehicle so I will need to find a way for the freezer to be shipped. 

Are there brands you would recommend to consider and brands to avoid?

I plan to use part of my stimulus money for this. Yet if you want to help with this cost then you can send money to my PayPal account that is fellowpilgrim at Gmail dot com. 

THANKS again for your prayers. That conversation with the manager went smoother than I had feared. 


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

May I continue my daily walks?

Today there was a paper taped to my front door. The manager stated that we are under a shelter in place order. The exceptions are doctor visits and grocery pickup. There is a 500 to 1000 dollar fine. 

The rest of the one-page note went into social distancing and stated that the maintenance man will only come for emergencies like fire and flood. 

When I went to pick up my mail from my mailbox behind the clubhouse I saw that the back door to the clubhouse is propped open. That is so people do not touch the handle to go in to pay their rent. The rent is to be put into the slot in the door for the manager. There is a sign saying do not touch anything in the clubhouse. Those are prudent measures.

For the last few weeks, I have been increasing my walks from 1 to 2 per day. It has been mentally, emotionally, and physically refreshing to get out in nature for 20 to 30 minutes each time. 

When I first moved here 2 and a half years ago there were 6 of us that walked around the property daily. Some moved away and others had heart troubles or other health challenges. Recently I have been the only one that I know of that walks daily. 

I skipped my early walk today and I may skip my evening walk until I talk with the manager to get assurance that it is OK to continue. When I called her phone number a little while ago, it went to voice mail. So I will watch for her to walk her dogs.

Please pray that I have her approval to continue to walk around the property while I maintain social distancing for those few people that I encounter. 

Also, I have been thinking about using part of my stimulus check to buy a compact freezer. Then I will not need to go to the grocery store as often. I can stock up more each time. That will decrease my exposure to people and the surfaces that they touched. The lease agreement is fuzzy about if we can have our own freezer. Pray for permission to have this tool.

Generally, my health is good. 

I take care of how much news I take in daily and what news sources I frequent.

At long last, I hope that the major prayer guide will go out very soon.

After that is shared then the next much shorter writings are named Possible Practical  Preparations, Possible Practical Actions, Ways to Serve Seniors, and Lifelong Learning Options. I have mind maps online and notes for each of these.

I find that when I use my time and talents to research, write, and share then those activities keep me from depression, fear, and overwhelm.

I invite you to share with me your update and prayer requests.
