I deeply appreciate how God used Tozer to weave together deep devotion, biblical theology, and some mysticism.
Ultimately when a Christian prays or worships they are operating as a mere mortal and communicating with a divine being. That is a metaphysical event. Yet our western rational minds do not let us recognize it as a spiritual incident. When this is full embraced then the mystical arises.
In our current culture, there is an understandable desire for spirituality and a distaste for religion. That is because the consequences of consumerism and materialism will eventually leave the soul starving.
Unfortunately, religion is seen as a batch of rules, doctrines, practices, and cultural events that fail to touch where it is hurting.
Tozer spoke out against religion while unfolding levels and layers of an intimate relationship with God that is firmly rooted in Scriptures.
I admit that I have troubles reading Tozer because the text is so dense with meanings and thrilling illustrations. So that is why I used the audio version of the Pursuit of God that I shared previously.
Then as I explored I found another book by him named The Knowledge of the Holy. It was not nearly as popular. While there are many audio versions for free online for the Pursuit of God I found only one free version of The Knowledge of the Holy.
And then I found a huge blessing that I did not expect. The reader is a woman that weaves her passion into the reading. Nearly all audio books are fairly wooden in the hearing. But she has poured her soul into this. Plus this is evidently an expression of her heart and service also as she publishes another chapter of the book about each week. She completed chapter 4 of 23 chapters.
You might want to use this online text to watch as she reads or buy your own print or ebook. http://www.ntcg-aylesbury.org.uk/books/knowledge_of_the_holy.pdf
The subtitle of the book gives a preview of the contents, The Knowledge of the Holy: The Attributes of God: Their Meaning in the Christian Life.
Amazon has Kindel, Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, and Audiobook here
Some people love to read books. Here is a book with 3 of his books combined The Knowledge of the Holy, The Pursuit of God and God's Pursuit of Man. You can look far and wide to find so much biblically spiritual meat in the covers of just 1 book
Those who have Audible can hear it there.
But I greatly appreciate how this woman injects life into the word. I will patiently wait for her to publish more.
Note that I rarely watch a movie more than 1 time. Yet this material is worthy of hearing a few times.
And if I am wise then I will come back to this in a few years when I will hear the exact same words differently.
If the following link is her playlist of reading Knowledge of the Holy. If the link does not work then search on Youtube for Mraw warM.