Overview of MOOCs
This note is added in June 2018. I still believe that this is the will of God for my life. But the major change is to start with the MOOC Let’s Pray Better starting in September 2018. Then the other MOOCs will begin to unfold in 2019.)
The first MOOC of summer 2018 is presented here in some detail. I have many more details on the related mind map for this MOOC.
The other MOOCs will also last about 3 months. Each of those will follow the same kind of 3 fold pattern that includes basics, intermediate, and advanced.
The first third will be going over the very basics that might easily be adapted for children and new believers. I call that like snorkel swimming.
The second third will be going over the intermediate materials that might adapted for teens and college students. I call that like SCUBA diving exploration.
The third third will be going over the advanced materials that might be adapted for missionaries, church planters, pastors, serious Bible students, and elders. I call that like deep sea submarine research.
Summer 2018 - Start with Jesus Christ
Let’s Embrace the Gospels - Why and How to Know Jesus Christ Better (LEG)
June, July, and August 2018
June 2018
Like snorkel swimming
Pray for wisdom, insights, and understandings.
Just get familiar with the texts.
Hear (audio), read, and see (videos) the gospels repeatedly.
Note questions.
July 2018
Like SCUBA diving exploration
Go over the harmony of the gospels.
Study the contexts.
Dig into the themes.
Explore the maps, people, keywords.
Note questions.
August 2018
Like deep sea submarine research
Collaboratively make a database of tough questions about gospels.
Examine the main doctrines.
Consider the related theology.
Relate the gospels to spiritual formation.
Relate the gospels to discipleship.
Relate the gospels to evangelism.
Relate the gospels to benevolence.
Develop daily and weekly devotionals.
Understand & apply character development.
Understand & apply leadership development.
Explore the controversies.
Note questions.
Seek answers for personal questions.
Seek answers to historic and modern questions.
List personal and corporate applications.
Make plans and commitments for future studies.
September 2018 to January 2019
The outputs of this and future MOOCs will become the input of Our Stewardship Publishing (OSP) that is described elsewhere.
2019 - Bedrock
Begin to build the bedrock for future MOOCs
Lay the foundations of: language, love, and apologetics
Winter 2 --- mid-January February
Enroll and work with MOOC teams.
Learn from LEG MOOC to make improvements.
Prepare outlines, systems, and materials for future MOOCs.
Emphasize enrolling, training, and supporting leaders.
Spring --- March April May
Let's Discuss Language (LDL)
Go wide and deeping into the essential words and concepts related to understanding and applying the Word of God.
This will help us build on this in future MOOCs and minimize misunderstandings.
There are hundreds of words from the Bible, theology, Christian counseling, spiritual formation, and Christian lingo that need to be defined, described, analysed, understood, and appreciated.
These words are like the bricks, nails, screws, pipes and more that will be used to build all future MOOCs.
Note that Christian cults have taken normal biblical terms but inserted their odd meanings to lead others astray.
Note that when a person starts to study medicine, law, science, computer programing, and most disciplines it is always essential to study the special terms that are used.
Summer --- June July August
Love One Another (LOA) - Why and How to Express the Love of God Using Words and Deeds
Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to love God and to love your neighbor.
The way to express love for God that cannot be seen is by loving people that can be seen.
As children of God we are to imitate Jesus Christ in how we love others including the unlovely, poor, lonely, hurting, outcast, rejected, etc.
Expressing the unconditional love of God using words and deeds is easier said than done. That is why much prayer, humility, selflessness, empathy, loving kindness and more are involved.
Jesus said that the outsiders will know that we are His disciples by our love for one another. Generally surveys of non-Christians do not show that we are known for our love for each other or them. Instead we are known for being judgemental, self righteous and aloof. So there is always much room for improvement in this arena.
We can never make a person love others in a Christ like way. But we can prayerfully explore what the Bible says about why and how to love others as He loved us. The knowledge and awareness of such teachings could be used by the Holy Spirit to prompt people into becoming more loving.
As the Word takes root in hearts with lots of prayers, guidance, and encouragement, then surely there will be more and better love of God expressed inside and outside the family of God.
Note that such agape love is not an afterthought. It is not some optional thing to do, like if you feel like then you can do some random acts of kindness. Instead it is presented here as part of the bedrock for the MOOCs that will follow.
I suggest that from the perspective of God He would rather a believer excel in agape love than in chasing after mere fame and fortune.
The aim is for this godly way of loving others unconditionally to become a normal and natural part of the life of a Christian all week long. Not just on Sundays or just during a short term mission trips.
Our shared culture has associated lust and romance with the term love. Yet the Bible declares that God is love. God does not do love on a part time basis. Love is core to His essence. So as disciples of Jesus Christ we are to love others in the name of Jesus. That is an ongoing challenge that will activate spiritual gifts and minimize egotism.
Fall --- September October mid-November
Street Smart Apologetics (SSA)
Let us equip high school and college students (as well as others) to defend and contend for biblical Christianity.
That will soon involve apologetic matters.
Even the best rational apologetics cannot lead a person to saving faith. But as a pre-evangelistic onramp, it can make the gospel message more appealing.
Let us aim to keep these lessons simple, reasonable and objective.
They are also intended to be used to improve personal faith in God, trust in the Word of God, and willingness to fully obey the Lord Jesus Christ.
These can and will be used in conversations, lessons, sermons, debates, intercessions, on social media, blog posts, and more.
Winter 1 --- late November - December holidays - mid-January
Time out for the holidays and to get back into typical pace
2020 - Pillars
On the foundation of last year start to plant the pillars for future growth
Winter 2 --- mid-January February
Jewish Roots of Christianity (JRC)
There is an unspoken attitude among many church members that the Old Testament is not important.
There is an outlook that the Old Testament was for the Jews and the New Testament is for the Christians.
But it is very difficult to understand much of Matthew and Hebrews while ignorant of the Old Testament passages that are referenced.
Unfortunately there is very little understanding or appreciation of the fact that Jesus Christ was the much awaited Messiah. That is what had the initial disciples and other early followers of the Lord Jesus very excited.
The fulfillments of Old Testament prophecies in the New Testament is a pillar for the case of the reliability of Scriptures. And fulfilled prophecies points to the deity of Christ. The unfulfilled prophecies shapes the doctrine of End Times.
The Last Supper in the gospels happened in the context of Passover. That became our Lord’s Supper.
Jesus and Paul had major confrontations with Jewish leaders. There are lots of lessons about judaism at that time that make those passages become much richer.
This MOOC is not intended to ever become anti-semite.
There are Messianic Christian congregations and certain parachurch organizations that will help us at this season.
Spring --- March April May
[Narrative of] Acts and Epistles in Context (AEC)
Many years ago I attended a weekly Bible study at the home of a neighbor. This was an intense study with lively discussions that appealed to serious Christians.
The host and founder of the group worked for an apologetics ministry. He traveled around the country presenting seminars at churches and colleges.
Sometimes other members led the Bible study.
For a few months a woman led who had a professional job. She was not trained at seminary or Bible college.
She invested several hours each week to prepare by diligently reading several sources and bringing to us a simple summary with provocative questions.
She slowly taught the book of Acts from the start to the end. Along the way she brought in fascinating insights about the history and culture of the times.
The text of Acts mostly deals with the missionary journeys of Paul. During his journey he went to many cities. And then later he wrote epistles to those he had visited. So she presented key parts from those epistles related to the narrative of the book of Acts.
Out of the dozens of Bible studies I have attended this was by far the most impactful. I could recognize the grand story of Paul and God working through him.
I have since seen biographical documentaries of Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and Shakespeare. These traced the timeline of their life while revealing the personal context for each major work.
Previously I had encountered the epistles and the great works of those writers without a personal and historical context.
In the fall of 2023 we will go into the New Testament Survey. Then each epistle of Paul and the other books will be studied carefully. This is a way watch God at work spreading His love and truth shortly after the Resurrection.
Summer --- June July August
Let’s Pray Better (LPB) - Why and How to Pray Better
Fall --- September October mid-November
[The Biblical Themes of] Faith, Hope, and Love (FHL)
Winter 1 --- late November - December holidays - mid-January
Time out for the holidays and to get back into typical pace
2021 - Dimensions
Learn about 4 grand dimensions of width, depth, height, and core.
Winter 2 --- mid-January February
[Width] Comparing World Religions (CWR)
Spring --- March April May
[Depth] What is Biblical Salvation? (WBS)
Summer --- June July August
[Heighth] Worshiping in Spirit and Truth (WST)
Fall --- September October mid-November
[Core] Getting Back to Basics (GBB)
Winter 1 --- late November - December holidays - mid-January
Time out for the holidays and to get back into typical pace
2022 - Embodiments
Make many practical applications of what learned from previous MOOCs.
Finding dynamic balances of using all 3 Hs of Head, Heart, and Hands.
These are ways for the Word of God to become experienced and expressed.
These are embodiments of biblical Christianity that impact others.
Winter 2 --- mid-January February
Biblical Character Development (BCD)
Spring --- March April May
How to Learn and Teach (HLT)
Learn how to learn effectively
Learn how to teach effectively
Teach how to teach effectively
Teach how to learn effectively
Summer --- June July August
Making Reproducing Disciples (MRD)
Fall --- September October mid-November
Biblical Leadership Development (BLD)
Winter 1 --- late November - December holidays - mid-January
Time out for the holidays and to get back into typical pace
2023 - Details
Dig deeply into the details of biblical Christianity.
This is the year to put down very deep roots.
After the previous preparations for contexts this will bring much understanding.
Winter 2 --- mid-January February
World, Flesh, and Devil (WFD)
Spring --- March April May
Old Testament Survey (OTS)
Summer --- June July August
Church History Survey (CHS)
Fall --- September October mid-November
New Testament Survey (NTS)
Winter 1 --- late November - December holidays - mid-January
Time out for the holidays and to get back into typical pace
2024 - Relationships
Understand and apply biblical Christianity to relationships
Winter 2 --- mid-January February
Divorce Prevention and Recovery (DPR)
Spring --- March April May
Biblical Guidance for Singleness (BGS)
Summer --- June July August
Biblical Guidance for Marriage (BGM)
Fall --- September October mid-November
Biblical Guidance for Parenting (BGP)
It is my hope and expectation that after 7 years of MOOCs that this MOOC will be our crowning glory!
The single most important, strategic, and powerful persons in the spiritual life of any person are their parents.
In order for us to be used of God as the keepers of the flame for biblical Christianity unto the next seven generation then we MUST enroll, equip and support parents.
Today there are lots of books, websites, and coaches that specialize in Christian parenting. We will gladly link to the best of those when we get to this MOOC. It is never our intention to compete, replace, displace, or discount others that are working in the vineyard of the Lord. Instead we seek to cooperate and collaborate.
But intention is to raise up, equip, and train a mighty army of the Lord to serve as keepers of the flame for biblical Christianity. They will continue to pass along biblical Christianity for more than 100 years. So we need much more than a few practical parenting tips with some inspirational stories.
We need plenty of solid materials that are gradually learned and applied as a part of lifelong learning. We need spiritual mature believers that consistently sow good seeds into the heart of each child.
Note that during the era of the founding of the USA they did not have any mass media. They had the Bible, prayers, and church services. The parents made time to evangelize and disciple each child. The diaries that have survived indicate that they saw this as their sacred duty. Our nation started in a godly way due to these dedicated parents.
The second most important players in the spiritual life of a child are the grandparents. The main focus of this MOOC are the parents. When that is done well then they will become effectively grandparents later. Yet we will also have plenty of materials to serve current grandparents.
Surely parenting is different in various countries and cultures. We will learn and honor this. Most of what we will offer will be Bible based so it may easily be used worldwide.